Arrby x Liberty | Stuck and Swallowed

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(scene opens to Liberty arriving on Adventure Beach where she notices some of her pup pals on lifeguard duty while Mirage, Melody, and Mason are relaxing nearby)

Liberty: Hi pups, nice to see you all again!

Skye: (walks over) Nice seeing you again Liberty!

Liberty: (chuckles) You two Skye!

Skye: Nice seeing you bestie!

Everest's voice: Skye, I thought I was your bestie?

(the twosome look back to find Everest sitting behind them)

Liberty and Skye: (surprised) Everest, when did you get here?

Everest: (looks away and crosses her arms) I thought we were friends?

Skye: (gasps) (shocked) Everest, why would you think that!?

Liberty: Yeah? What's wrong with having more than one best friend?

Marshall's voice: Boy, she sure is funny!

(Skye and Liberty look back to find Marshall chuckling)

Liberty: (confused) What are you laughing about Marshall?

Everest: (Mirage's voice) I got you both good!

Liberty and Skye: (surprised) (realizes) Mirage?

(Everest magically reverts into Mirage)

Mirage: I'm still quite the actress!

Liberty: Boy you are good, we really thought you were Everest!

Everest's voice: Yep!

Skye: (confused) (looks around) Everest, is that the real you?

(Everest appears sitting beside Marshall)

Liberty and Skye: (surprised) How'd you do that Everest?

Everest: (reveals the snake talisman under her front paw) Mason let me borrow this for Mirage's joke!

Mason: (walks over collecting the talisman) Yep! I admit that was a good one!

Marshall: I noticed their joke and they let me in on it!

Everest: (looks over to find Melody left) Mirage, where'd you mom go?

Mirage: (confused) Huh? (looks over to find her mom left) Mom?

Mason: (pets Mirage) Your mom told me she was going out for an extended swim!

(scene switches to Sid and Arrby arriving on Adventure Beach)

Sid: Arrby, look at all the stuff I need, need, need!

Arrby: (notices Liberty nearby) Ooh, it's that pretty pup!

Sid: (confused) Who are you talking about Arrby?

Arrby: (points at Liberty) Her!

Sid: Arr, she's one of those pesky Paw Patrol pups!

Arrby: (sighs) I know, but that can't stop me from being in love with her!

Sid: (sighs) Fair point! Now come on, we've gotta find something I need, need, need!

Arrby: Aye Sid!

(the nearby pups look over to find Sid and Arrby)

Pups: Sid and Arrby!

Sid: (eyes widen) Oops, better run! (picks up Arrby and make a run back to their rowboat)

Liberty: Follow them! (purses while a few others join)

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