Chickaletta & Claw | The Transformed Chicken

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(scene opens to Barkingburg where Mayor Goodway and Chickaletta have joined Ryder and the Paw Patrol for a visit to their royal friends)

Mayor Goodway: Thank you so much for letting us tag along Ryder!

Ryder: No problem Mayor Goodway and Chickaletta!

Chase: Mayor Goodway, are you sure it was a good idea leaving no one in charge while you're away?

Skye: Yeah! Won't Mayor Humdinger try to make people think he's in charge again?

Mayor Goodway: (chuckles) Oh don't worry about that pups, a very good friend of ours is kindly watching over Adventure Bay for me!

(scene switches to Adventure Bay where Mayor Humdinger is in front of City Hall)

Mayor Humdinger: (shouts) Attention everyone Mayor Goodway has asked me to be your substitute mayor!

Katie: (walks over) (shakes her head) Nice try Mayor Humdinger, but Mayor Goodway already selected someone else to be in charge while she's in Barkingburg!

Mayor Humdinger: (shocked) Who?

(Melody walks out of City Hall)

Katie: (giggles) Looks like our substitute mayor has come outside!

Mayor Humdinger: (surprised) (shouts) What!

Melody: Indeed! Mayor Goodway has asked if I could fill in for her!

Mayor Humdinger: That's not fair!

Melody: Back to Foggy Bottom with you! (claps her paws to make Mayor Humdinger and his kitty carrier vanish)

Katie: (giggles) That was the fastest I've seen Mayor Humdinger go back to Foggy Bottom!

Melody: (smiles) I'm quite happy that Mayor Goodway asked me to fill in for her!

Katie: Well I do know with you magic nobody can cause trouble while you're substitute mayor!

(scene changes to Foggy Bottom right outside Mayor Humdinger's lair)

Mayor Humdinger: (looks around) (surprised) Whoa! I'm already back at my lair! Now that's what I call fast travel! Well at least I'm home, although I shouldn't cause trouble while Melody is the temporary mayor!

(scene switches to Adventure Bay)

Katie: You sure know how to run Adventure Bay quite well!

Melody: Don't forget Katie I was a queen to all genie pups in the past!

Katie: Speaking of genie pups, where's the rest of your family?

Melody: Hex and Venus went to the jungle to explore with Carlos and Tracker while Elastica and Wildfire decided to explore the desert!

Katie: What about your own daughter?

Melody: She went to Barkingburg with Mason!

Katie: Ooh! That's where the Paw Patrol and Mayor Goodway went!

Melody: Sounds like something interesting might be happening over there!

Katie: (pets Melody) You could be about that right, girl!

(scene changes to Barkingburg castle where the princess and earl welcome the Paw Patrol and Mayor Goodway)

Princess of Barkingburg: It's so good seeing you all again!

Earl of Barkingburg: Indeed!

Duke of Flappington's voice: (screaming)

(Duke of Flappington crash lands near the group)

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