Rocky x Gasket | Ginger's Secret Revealed

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(scene opens to the desert where the Ruff-Ruff Pack are pursuing Wild on their motorcycles)

Wild: (chuckles) Don't forget guys my motorcycle has super speed boosters!

Hubcap: Come on guys, we can catch him!

Dwayne: (shouts) Yeah! I believe we can!

Gasket: (eye rolls) Yeah right! Wait a second! (loud whistles)

Hubcap: (annoyed) Why'd you do that!

Gasket: (chuckles) Just called in a buddy of mine!

Dwayne: (curious) Who?

Gasket: (giggles) You'll see!

Wild: (speeds up) Ha! Even, I know they can't catch me!

(Mirage walks out in front of Wild which alerts the cat)

Wild: (shouts) Mirage! Lookout!

Mirage: (inflates herself)

Wild: Uh oh!

(scene changes to the Ruff-Ruff Pack approaching an inflated Mirage)

Gasket: Mirage! Glad you received my call!

Wild: (muffled) A little help?

(Mirage rolls back revealing Wild and his motorcycle stuck to her inflated belly)

Mirage: Just to let you know Wild none of this is personal! I was just helping my friend!

Wild: (sighs) I know you're friends with the Ruff-Ruff Pack, Paw Patrol, and Cat Pack. But can you please unstick me?

Hubcap: Okay, get that cat's motorcycle!

(Mirage purposely deflates freeing Wild)

Wild: Yes! (hops on his motorcycle) Thanks Mirage! (races off)

Mirage: (waves) Bye Wild!

Hubcap: (upset) Mirage! You let him escape!

Mirage: I was never told to hold him!

Dwayne: You know she does have a fair point!

Hubcap: (glares at Dwayne) Come on you two!

Gasket: You guys go ahead! I'll catch up later!

Dwayne: Okay Gasket!

Hubcap: Sure whatever!

(Hubcap and Dwayne leave on their motorcycle)

Gasket: (looks around) You know the real reason I called you?

Mirage: Yep! You need someone to fill in for you while "Ginger" goes to visit Rocky!

Gasket: (giggles) Good girl!

(Mirage works her magic on Gasket and herself)

(scene changes to "Gasket" arriving at the Ruff-Ruff Pack's hideout)

Dwayne: Yay! Your back Gasket!

Gasket: (eye rolls) Where else would I go!

Hubcap: Listen up you two we're headed to Adventure Bay to cause some wheel, big trouble!

Dwayne: Fun!

Gasket: Whatever Hubcap!

(Ruff-Ruff Pack rides their motorcycles to Adventure Bay)

(scene changes to City Hall where Rocky was fixing a few things for Mayor Goodway)

Mayor Goodway: Thank you so much for helping me Rocky!

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