Gasket x Chase | A Troubled Transformation

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(scene opens to a winter day outside the Lookout where the pups are having fun while Chase is inside with a cold while Gasket snuggles against him)

Gasket: I hope I can help keep you warmer?

Chase: (coughs) Thanks Gasket, I appreciate your help!

Gasket: (kisses his cheek) I'm just trying to help my boyfriend heal as fast as he can!

Ryder: (enters) How, you doing Chase?

Chase: (coughs) Kinda chilly and sick, but other than that I'm okay!

Gasket: Too bad you don't have a fur coat like mine!

Chase: That would be nice, wouldn't it?

Gasket: (eyes widen) I bet Mirage could help with that!

Mason: (enters) Sorry Gasket, but Mirage and her family are on a three month vacation in the elemental brawler's multiverse!

Gasket: (surprised) What!?

Mason: The girls really enjoy the spa treatments over there!

Gasket: (pouts) So lucky, next time I have to ask them to let me join!

Chase: Well since Mirage's family isn't available at the time I guess I've got to face the cold and not be a pups made for cold weather!

Mason: Not quite! (reveals the monkey talisman) Hang on Chase, (shouts) Alaskan malamute!

(Chase is turned into an Alaskan malamute)

Ryder and Gasket: (surprised) Whoa!

Mason: (plays around with the monkey talisman) Pretty good isn't it, Chase?

Chase: Definitely warmer!

(an albatross flies past snatching the monkey talisman from Mason)

Mason: (surprised) (shouts) Hey! Give that back!

(the albatross flies off with the talisman)

Mason: Uh oh!

Ryder: (concerned) Is something wrong, Mason?

Mason: two things! One, no idea what trouble that albatross will cause with the monkey talisman! And two, that was the only one I had!

Chase: (concerned) Wait a second, you mean I'm stuck as an Alaskan malamute!

Mason: At least until I can locate that monkey talisman! Well I've got a bird to catch! (races off)

(flash of light)

Skye: (enters) Did I miss something? (notices the new pup) Who's this?

Gasket: (giggles) This is Chase!

Skye: (shocked) (gasps) Chase!?

Chase: (nods) Yep!

Skye: (confused) What happened?

Ryder: A Little monkey magic, also an albatross swiped the talisman from Mason!

Chase: So I'm basically stuck as an Alaskan malamute for who knows how long!

Gasket: (nuzzles Chase) No matter what breed you are, you'll always be the pup I love!

Chase: (blushes) Thanks Gasket, I really appreciate that!

Ryder: Well this is some good news!

Chase: What's that Ryder?

Ryder: You should still be able to do your Paw Patrol job, despite your current body!

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