Ryder x Codi | Codi's Hypnotized Boyfriend

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(scene opens to Ryder having fun playing with his pups until a mysterious caller asks Ryder to come alone to the desert)

Ryder: Pups I'm headed to the desert and I'll be back soon as I can!

Skye: Be safe Ryder

Ryder: Will do Skye! (gets on his ATV before driving away)

(scene changes to the coordinates given to Ryder)

Ryder: Hm? (looks around) I wonder who contacted me?

Female voice: Just someone you know!

Ryder: (looks back to find Codi and Elly-Dee) You!

Codi: (laughs) You feel for my trick!

Ryder: You tricked me into coming out here alone!

Codi: Yep! (has her robots seize Ryder)

Ryder: Hey!

Codi: (tosses Ryder's Pup-Pad aside) You're going to become my latest servant!

Ryder: I would never team up with you!

Codi: I never said you had a choice!

Ryder: (concerned) Uh oh!

(Codi has her minions take Ryder back to her lair)

(a nearby cactus rotates when everyone is gone before it unzips to revealing Mason)

Mason: I better tell the pups!

Codi's voice: Oh no you won't!

Mason: I should've waited longer!

(scene changes to Mason being restrained while Codi uses hypnosis technology to turn Ryder into her servant)

Codi: Haha! Hm? I think I'll call you my new boyfriend!

Ryder: Yes dear!

Codi: Now for you Mason!

(Codi uses her hypnosis technology on Mason)

Mason: (yawns) Are you done yet?

Codi: (surprised) What?! How are you not my obedient servant?

Mason: Mind control doesn't work on me!

Codi: (glares) Well you won't escape my cage!

Mason: (glares) We'll see about that!

(Ryder follows Codi and Elly-Dee out of her base)

(scene changes to Ryder and Codi kicking the Paw Patrol out of the Lookout)

Chase: I can't believe it!

Skye: Where are we gonna go?

Marshall: We could see if Jake might let us stay with him?

Pups: (nods)

Marshall: Ryder might've kicked us out but he never said we couldn't take our pup houses and gear!

Pups: Oh yeah!

(pups get their stuff)

Codi: (runs outside) Hey! We told you pesky pups to leave!

Chase: You never said we couldn't get out stuff first!

Codi: (face palms) Why did that fool not say that! (watches all six pups leave) (shouts) This isn't over!

(scene changes to sometime later at Jake's chalet)

Jake: Sure pups! We're happy to let you stay with us for a while!

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