Mama Mer-Pup x Rocky | Mama Mer-Pup in Love

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(scene opens to Puplantis where Mama Mer-pup secretly swoons as she witness Rocky fixing the latest problem caused by Moby's failed plan)

Coral: (swims over to Mama Mer-pup) I see you seem quite interested in my friend Rocky, Mama Mer-pup!

Mama Mer-pup: (blushing) (nods) (barking) I admit I love him! After all he's been a dearly helpful friend!

Coral: I understand how skilled and handsome Rocky is!

Mama Mer-pup: (giggles) (barking) Oh, do you have a crush on him too?

Coral: (blushing) I mean I don't have a crush on him!

Mama Mer-pup: (giggles) (barking) Sure...!

Coral: Okay, maybe a little! But I love a different member of the Paw Patrol!

(Coral swims off to assist her friends)

Mama Mer-pup: (swoons) (barking) How I wish I could go on land and talk to that special green pup!

Melody: (swims over) I might be able to help my friend!

Mama Mer-pup: (surprised) (barking) Melody, you can really help with that?

Melody: Of course, I can make you into a land pup! (whispers) I suggest getting a babysitter for your daughter!

Mama Mer-pup: (nods) (barking) I understand!

(scene change to later after the Aqua Pups left)

Mama Mer-pup: (swims over to Coral alongside her daughter) (barking) Coral I wanted to ask if it'd be okay if you babysit my daughter, since I have to be somewhere special!

Coral: (smiles) Of course, Mama Mer-pup I can watch your daughter for a while!

Mama Mer-pup: (barking) thank you Coral! Stay safe my dear daughter

Baby Mer-pup: (barking) Okay, mommy!

(scene change to Mama Mer-pup outside Puplantis)

Mama Mer-pup: (looks around) (barking) I wonder where Melody can be?

Melody: (appears behind Mama Mer-pup) Hi!

Mama Mer-pup: (surprised pants) (barking) Melody! You startled me!

Melody: I'm sorry, but are you eager to come ashore?

Mama Mer-pup: (nods) (barking) Yes, please! But how will nobody know?

Melody: (rubs her own belly) I've got an idea of sneaking you ashore!

Mama Mer-pup: (eyes widen) (barking) Ii your belly?

Melody: (nods)

(scene changes to Foggy Bottom beach where Melody walking ashore with an enlarged belly)

Melody: (looks around to find nobody around) I told you I know how to sneak you ashore!

Mama Mer-pup: (muffled) (barking) Can you please let me out now?

(Melody coughs up Mama Mer-pup who magically turns into a land pup)

Mama Mer-pup: My word! (realizes she's talking) (gasps) (surprised) Whoa! I can speak like Coral and the other land pups!

Melody: (smiles) I'll change you back to normal when you're done, okay?

Mama Mer-pup: (hugs Melody) Thank you so much dear, now I can see Rocky in person!

Melody: Just so nobody gets confused, how about you call yourself Pearl for now?

Mama Mer-pup: Pearl, it sounds like a lovely name! (races off)

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