Chase x Gasket | Gasket Joins the Team

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(scene opens to Chase and Wild racing each other in the desert not knowing they were being watched by Gasket and Mirage)

Gasket: (swoons) Isn't Chase so handsome, when he rides his motorcycle?

Mirage: (giggles) You love him don't you Gasket?

Gasket: (sighs) Is it wrong for a bad girl to be in love with a cop?

Mirage: (shrugs) Not sure to be honest with you?

Gasket: (sighs) How I wish we could be a couple?

Mirage: Well you could give up the bad pup life to try and become a member of the Paw Patrol?

Gasket: (unsure) I don't know Mirage, what are the chances they'd let a naughty pup like me join?

Mirage: (shrugs) You never know!

Gasket: Can we go talk to Chase, please?

Mirage: (nods)

(scene changes to Wild and Chase having fun racing each other as Gasket and Mirage riding up to them on Gasket's motorcycle)

Gasket: How will we get their attention?

Mirage: (loud whistle)

Chase and Wild: (stop driving) Huh?

Mirage: Hi guys!

Chase: Mirage what are you doing here with that lovely pup, (facepalms) I mean pretty, no I mean Gasket!

Gasket: (blushes)

Wild: Hang on Chase, sounds like you might be in love with Gasket!

Gasket: (blushing) Really?

Chase: (sighs in defeat) I admit it I'm in love with you Gasket!

Gasket: (giggles) thanks Chase, also I love you too!

Chase: (blushes) Um?

Wild: Looks like this will be very interesting!

(ground vibrates)

Mirage: Did you guys feel that too?

Wild, Gasket, and Chase: We heard that!

Gasket: What was that?

Mirage: (looks farther out before noticing a fast moving sandstorm) (gasps) (shouts) Fast moving sandstorm!

Everyone: Uh oh!

(sandstorms arrives sooner than expected before sending Mirage and Wild flying away from Gasket and Chase while their rides get buried)

(scene changes to Mirage's head popping out of the ground)

Mirage: (looks around) (concerned) Wild where did you go?

Wild: (muffled) closer than you think!

(Mirage digs herself out and notices her enlarged belly)

Mirage: Oh, so that's why I tasted fur for a few seconds! (embarrassed) Sorry Wild!

Wild: Can you please let me out of here Mirage?

Mirage: Luckily for us, the sandstorm stopped! (coughs up Wild)

Wild: Phew! But where'd Chase and Gasket go?

(the ground below them sharks as it begins to rise)

Wild: What's going on!? (jumps away while Mirage follows his lead)

(the twosome watch as a creature with eight arms emerges from the sand)

Wild: What is that?

Mason's voice: Glad I used tardigrade powers to sleep through that sandstorm!

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