Wild x Rory | Wile E. Codi

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(scene opens to Rory and Wild having fun together at the Adventure Bay Race Track while Mason and Mirage watch nearby)

Rory: (giggles) It's nice that we could spend some time together Wild!

Wild: Yeah, I enjoy a chance that we can spend some time together

Rory: (smiles) Me too!

Mirage and Mason's voice: So sweet!

Rory: Nice that a few friends came to watch us having a little fun racing!

Wild: (chuckles) Yeah!

(Codi Gizmody and Elly-Dee arrive in Codi's vehicle with her latest invention)

Codi: (cackles) Those pesky cats won't expect my brand new universal transporter!

Elly-Dee: Brilliant plan, Codi!

Codi: Of course it's brilliant, I came up with it! Now let's get that machine into place!

(scene switches to Wild and Rory parking their vehicles before congratulating each other)

Wild and Rory: Good race Rory/Wild! (laughs)

(Mason walks over carrying Mirage while wearing the Third-Arm Sash)

Mirage: Great racing you guys!

Mason: Yep!

Wild and Rory: (chuckles) Thanks guys, we're happy you could be here to watch it!

Rory: (notices the sash) Mason, what's with the sash?

Mason: Oh this is the Third-Arm Sash, I was bored so I decided to try it on!

Codi's voice: Behold my way of getting rid of you pesky cats!

Wild and Rory: (looks over to find Codi and Elly-Dee) (gasps) Codi!

Codi: (evil laugh) The one and only!

Rory: (upset) What do you want, Codi!?

Codi: Simple, I'm getting rid of you pesky cats!

Wild and Rory: (shocked gasps)

Codi: Plus I can get rid of that pesky genie pup and Mason!

Mirage: (growling at Codi while in Mason's arms)

Codi: (scoffs) You don't scare me! Elly-Dee, activate my new universal transporter!

Elly-Dee: Of course! (activates the device)

Wild and Rory: Uh oh! (gets pulled into the created rift) Whoa!

Codi: Yes! They're gone! (notices Mason holding his ground) What!?

Mason: (shouts) Third-Arm Sash! (it stretches toward Codi and wraps around one of her and Elly-Dee's arms) Anchors away! (jumps and it pulled into the rift)

Codi: (realizes) (eyes widen) Uh oh! (gets pulled into the rift song with Elly-Dee thanks to the Third-Arm Sash wrapped around their arms)

(but as Elly-Dee is pulled into the rift she unknowingly presses the deactivation button which shuts the machine just several minutes after going through)

(scene changes to Wild and Rory riding through vehicles through the rift)

Rory: Whoa! This is so weird!

Wild: Yeah! But you gotta admit, we're the first cats to ride through a rift to another world!

Rory: (giggles) I never thought of it like that! So handsome where do you think we're headed?

Wild: (blushes) Did you call me handsome?

Rory: (realizes) (blushes) I meant Wild! (sighs) Okay, I did say handsome and you are!

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