Marshall x Sweetie | Spell Punks in Barkingburg

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(scene opens to the Air Patroller arriving in Barkingburg not knowing the Duke of Flappington's group was spying on them)

Duke of Flappington: (annoyed) It appears that pesky Paw Patrol decided to visit my cousin!

Claw: How will we ever succeed in defeating them?

Duke of Flappington: (sighs) they're just too good, I have no idea how we can defeat them!

Male voice: Now that's no way for a villain to act, he shouldn't give up that easily!

Duke of Flappington and Claw: Who said that?

(the twosome look back to find large hooded figure behind them along with various others)

Duke of Flappington: Who are you guys?

Male: I am Spellslamzer, and these are my Spell Punk minions!

Claw: (confused) What are you?

Spellslamzer: We are spell punks along with an obedient servant!

(a familiar face wearing a robe steps am metallic collar forward)

Duke of Flappington and Claw: (shocked gasps) Melody!

Spellslamzer: (evil laugh) I stole something to make this powerful genie pup queen into my obedient servant!

Fire Spell Punk: Sir, it was just sheer luck since that collar was in the trash and just happened to work on that genie pup!

Melody: (glares) (upset) When I get this off you're gonna get it!

Claw: (concerned) She looks quite made!

Melody: (looks at Claw) (calmly) My anger is directed at Spellslamzer, not you two! But if you two think about harming my daughters you'll regret it!

Duke of Flappington: (scared) Note!

Claw: Agreed!

Spellslamzer: (snickers) You both are cowards! she's forced to obey me, all thanks to that compliance collar on her neck!

Melody: (growls at Spellslamzer)

Duke of Flappington: What do you want anyway?

Spellslamzer: How about a fair deal, we assist you in taking over Barkingburg and in return you hand us your kingdom of Flappington!

Duke of Flappington: Throw in the levitation gem and we've got a deal!

Melody: (in mind) I wonder how this Marshall and Sweetie love story will go?

(scene changes to the Paw Patrol entering along with Mason who has a depressed Mirage lying on his shoulder)

Princess of Barkingburg: Hello, everyone it's great to see you again!

Sweetie: (walks over and trips on the rug which results in her flying into Marshall and both of them accidentally kissing on the lips) (surprised) (blushing) Whoa!

Marshall: (blushing) Whoa!

Skye: I didn't expect that to happen!

Princess of Barkingburg: (notices a sad Mirage) (concerned) Mirage, is something wrong?

Mason: Somebody took her mom!

Others: (gasps)

Mason: (calmly) The rest of her family are searching in small groups in other worlds around the multiverse to find her! While I'm doing my best to cheer her up!

Skye: Who would take Mirage's mom!?

Mason: Someone who'd want a powerful genie pup queen for some evil plan!

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