Wild x Rory | Quest for the Gemstone Cat Statue

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(scene opens to Rory's dream where she is wearing a light blue wedding dress while Wild is wearing a tuxedo in front of City Hall)

Rory: (smiles) This is the best day of my life!

Wild: (smiles) The same goes for me!

Mayor Goodway: (tearful) This is the sweetest cat wedding I've ever seen! (cries)

Ryder: (nods) I'm quite surprised they asked Mirage to make their marriage official!

Chase: (nods) Yeah!

Skye: I kinda want Mirage to do the same for me, when I find the right pup! (giggles)

Marshall: It was sweet the whole team and all of Adventure Bay was invited to the wedding!

Everest: (giggles) Yep!

Mayor Humdinger: (crying) This is the sweetest thing I've ever seen!

Kitten Catastrophe Crew: (emotional meowing)

Mirage: Rory, do you take Wild as your lawfully wedded husband?

Rory: (smiles) I do!

Mirage: And Wild do you take Rory as your lawfully wedded wife?

Wild: (smiles) I do!

Mirage: Now you may kiss!

(scene has a ripple effect transition to the real world where Rory is sleeping in the Lookout on bean bag, before being approached by Wild and Skye)

Wild: What do you think Rory is dreaming about?

Skye: (shrugs) I'm not sure! (notices something) wait a second?

Wild: (confused) What's wrong Skye?

Skye: Wasn't Mirage sleeping next to Rory?

Wild: (notices) Yeah, where is she?

Rory: (sleep talks) Thank you so much for helping at my wedding Mirage!

Rory: (sleep talks) (Mirage's voice) No problem Rory, I'm glad to help!

Skye: (surprise) Wow! I didn't know Rory was a ventriloquist!

Wild: Um... Skye, I don't think Rory's a ventriloquist.

Skye: Then how did she talk like Mirage?

Rory: (sleep talks) (Mirage's voice) Rory asked me to help her with something in her dreams!

(Rory sneezes out a purple mist that magically changes into Mirage)

Mirage: Tada!

Skye and Wild: (surprised) What just happened?

Rory: (yawns) (wakes up) Hi guys! (looks at Mirage) Thanks again for helping out in my dream Mirage, it felt so real!

Mirage: (giggles) No problem Rory!

Skye: Wait, you entered Rory's dream?

Mirage and Rory: Yep!

Wild: Just curious, but what happened in your dream?

Rory: (giggles) Let's just say I was getting married to someone very special to me and Mirage made it official, in my dream anyway!

Mirage: (giggles) I was a princess to the genie pups, so it was quite an honor for both of us!

Rory: (smiles) Yep!

Wild: (curiously) So who were you marrying?

Rory: (giggles) That's between me and Mirage!

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