Chase (Fang) vs Paw Patrol | Fang Surfaces

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Mirage is dodging Mason who is using his eel tail like a whip along with his electric eel powers of his special suit)

Skye: Wow! Keep up the great work Mirage!

Marshall: Yeah! You're doing a great job dodging Mason's eel-lectric personality!

Everyone: (chuckles at Marshall's joke)

Mirage: Nice one Marshall! (looks at Mason before tackling him)

(Mason and Mirage toward the pups)

Pups: (concerned) Uh oh!

(the pups go flying while Chase lands on Mirage who lands on Mason which accidentally activates this electric eel suit)

Mason: (concerned) Uh oh!

(the electric eel suit activates it electric charge before zapping Mirage who is touching Chase which makes it look like her magic is mixing with the electricity)

(scene changes to all three collapsed on the ground)

Mason: (dazed) Is everyone okay?

Mirage: (coughs up smoke) I'm okay! (looks at Chase) What about you Chase?

Chase: (coughs) I could be better! (kicks Mirage away) Pesky pup!

Pups: (gasps) Chase, how could you say that about Mirage!

Mirage: (glares) Chase is offline!

Skye: (confused) What do you mean Mirage?

Mirage: My magic showed me that Chase is locked up in his mind when Mason's electric eel powers mixed with my magic!

Skye: What if that's not Chase then who is it?

Chase: (evil laugh) Name is Fang little lady! (slowly and magically turns into Fang's husky body)

Pups: (surprised) Whoa!

Fang: Now that Chase is outta the way, old Fang can stay out for good!

Mirage: Unless I fix this!

Fang: (bites Mirage on the neck)

Mirage: (in pain) Yipe!

Marshall: (upset) That's definitely not Chase!

Pups: (upset) Yeah!

(flash of light)

Fang: Ha that fool Mason using his dumb creature power... (looks back to find Mason wearing a honey badger suit) (surprised) Oh!

Mason: (growls at Fang)

Fang: (scared) N-N-Now Mason, don't do anything you'd regret!

Mason: You're going down Fang!

Mirage: (covers her wound with her paw)

Marshall: (concerned) You okay Mirage?

Mirage: (nods) (reveals the horse talisman in her fur and uses it to heal the injury) Yes! (puts it away)

Fang: (shoves his way through the pups) Outta my way mutts!

Skye: How did Chase get turned into that ruffian Fang?

Mirage: He did want me to keep this secret, but he dated Gasket!

Pups: (shocked) What!?

Skye: Why would he do that?

Mirage: He wanted a way to love her so Hex and I made him into Fang but when electric eel electricity mixed with my magic without expecting it must've made Fang real and he took Chase's body!

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