Hubcap x Mix | Ruff-Ruff in Builder Cove

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(scene opens to Mr. Porters Cafe where Mason is sharing lunch with Venus and Hex)

Mason: It's quite nice to spend some time with both of you!

Venus: Yep! It's nice for the three of us to spend some time together while the rest of our family is visiting Barkingburg!

Sound: (motorcycle engines)

Three voices: Ruff Ruff Pack! Ruff Ruff Pack!

(the trio stops and annoys the customers before Hubcap snatches Mason's satchel)

Hubcap: We'll be "borrowing" this!

Mason: (pretending to be upset) Give that back!

(the trio races off on their motorcycles)

Mason: (shrugs) Oh well!

Venus: (curiously) Why aren't you following them?

Mason: That wasn't my magical satchel!

Venus: (surprised) It wasn't?

Hex: (barfs up Mason's satchel) He asked me to hold onto it for awhile!

Mason: Yep!

Venus: What was in that satchel anyway?

Mason: just a couple cans of invisible spray I got from Spongebob's world!

Venus: (concernedly looks at Mason)

Mason: (nods) Okay I'll tell Ryder! (pulls his phone out of his satchel) Then we can resume lunch!

Hex and Venus: (nods in agreement)

(scene changes to the Lookout where Rubble is preparing to leave for Builder Cove)

Rubble: Bye guys, I'm off to Builder Cove to spend time with my family!

(leaves on his ride)

Skye: Good luck Rubble! Tell your family we said hi!

Rubble: (chuckles) Will do! (leaves in his vehicle)

(Pup-Pad rings)

Ryder: (answers) Hello? Oh Mason, is something up?

Mason: Hi Ryder! I was with Venus and Hex, until the Ruff-Ruff Pack showed up and stole my satchel!

Ryder: (concerned) That's not good!

Mason: It's not as bad as you think, they stole a non magical satchel filled with stuff called invisible spray!

Ryder: (confused) Invisible spray?

Mason: I got the stuff from a different universe!

Ryder: So what does it do?

Mason: Basically it makes anything invisible and the elemental brawlers tweaked it so it wouldn't stain clothes and was biodegradable!

Ryder: So you want us to help get it back?

Mason: I'm not that concerned about getting it back, but Venus requested I let you know in case the trio decide to use it to cause trouble! Also I washes off with water!

Ryder: Oh, thank you guys for the heads up!

Mason: No problem, later! (ends call)

Skye: So what's up Ryder?

Ryder: Mason told me that the Ruff-Ruff Pack stole a satchel of this stuff called invisible spray!

Marshall: Ooh! Can it make stuff invisible?

Ryder: From what Mason said, it does!

(scene changes to the Ruff-Ruff Pack hiding on the road leading to Builder Cove)

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