Gasket x Chase vs Cat Pack | Hypnotized Thieves

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(scene opens to Barkingburg where Chase is with his girlfriend Gasket and the Cat Pack who eagerly wanted to tag along)

Gasket: Barkingburg is so great my love!

Chase: Thanks Gasket, I'm glad you like it here!

Wild: Me-wow, you were right Chase this place is incredible!

Shade and Rory: Yeah! So Pawsome here!

Leo: It really does look cool!

Chase: (chuckles) I'm glad everyone likes it, time to introduce you to the Princess of Barkingburg!

Rory: A real princess? (squeals) I'm so excited!

Chase: Just follow me guys!

(scene change to Mason on the side of the street getting gum off his boots so he takes off his satchel for a bit not noticing a hand reach inside and pull out his special hypnosis pocket watch)

Mason: (gets the gum off) Finally! It's off my boots! (put his satchel back on) Now just need to get to the castle!

Melody: (appears with Mirage napping on her back) Hi Mason!

Mason: (smiles) Hi girls, how are you?

Melody: I'm okay while my little girl is taking a nap! So you headed to the castle too?

Mason: (nods) Wanna go together?

Melody: (smiles) Sure!

(the trio walk off together just before the Duke of Flappington reveals himself now holding Mason's pocket watch)

Duke of Flappington: (evil laughs) Now that I have that fools pocket watch framing that pesky Paw Patrol pup will be as easy as snapping my fingers!

Claw: (reveals himself) Are you sure taking his pocket watch was a good idea, duke?

Duke of Flappington: Of course I'm sure! Come along Jean-Claude! (his eagle lands on his shoulder before they depart)

Claw: Well I think I'll be hiding outside Barkingburg for the next few days for my own safety! (runs off to find Sparks)

Duke of Flappington: Claw is a coward for not wanting to help with my plan of using this special pocket watch to hypnotize Chase! And maybe I'll do the same thing to his husky girlfriend! (evil laughs)

(scene changes to the castle where Chase introduces the Cat Pack and Gasket to the princess)

Princess of Barkingburg: I'm so delighted to meet you Wild, Rory, Shade, Leo, and Chase's girlfriend Gasket!

Gasket: It's an honor meeting you princess, ever since I met Chase he's shown me that being a good pup is much better than what I did in the past!

Chase: I'm happy that we're together Gasket!

Gasket: (giggles) (smiles) Me too, Chase! Me too!

Princess of Barkingburg: (remembers) by the way I asked Mason to come over since I was eager to see his hypnosis tricks with his special pocket watch!

Leo: Sounds interesting!

Mason: (arrives with Melody and Mirage who is still sleeping on her moms back) Hi princess!

Princess of Barkingburg: Mason you've arrived and I see that Mirage and Melody have joined you!

Melody: We came for a nice little visit and bumped into Mason on the way over!

Princess of Barkingburg: So Mason can you show me how your pocket watch hypnosis works!

Mason: I'd be happy to, princess! (reaches into his satchel only to find his pocket watch is missing) (concerned) Uh oh!

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