Chase + Nightfall | Chase's Shadowy Ifrit Daughter

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(scene opens to Mason and Nightall walking through the sewers of Adventure Bay toward the Lookout)

Nightfall: (sighs) (looks at Mason) Thank you again for escorting me to the Lookout, Mason!

Mason: (nods) Of course!

Nightfall: Why did we go through the sewers again?

Mason: After that shadowy stunt with Harold everyone else is a little upset with you!

Nightfall: (sighs) I admit that wasn't my best action!

(scene changes to the twosome arriving outside the Lookout before Nightfall hides behind Mason's legs)

Chase and Marshall: (walk over) Hi Mason! (sniffs) (gags) What's that smell?

Mason: We went through the sewers!

Marshall: (confused) We?

Nightfall: (slightly steps out from behind Mason's legs) (waves) (nervous) Hi papa!

Chase and Marshall: (surprised) Nightfall!?

Nightfall: (nods) (stays by Mason)

Chase: Mason, why is that very naughty ifrit pup with you!

Mason: (crosses arms) You do realize she's still partially your ifrit daughter!

Marshall: True, but Gasket's her mom!

Nightfall: Mason, papa doesn't want me around. Maybe it'd be best if I just stuck with mama and avoid seeing him again?

Chase: (surprised) Why?

Nightfall: After the whole helping Harold thing and sonic bark, I feel like you don't want me around even after our talk!

Chase: (sighs) I admit you're a handful, but in a way you're still family to me!

Nightfall: (nods)

Marshall: Chase, she's just a young pup looking for her parental figures for guidance, but I guess since you're good while Gasket's naughty, it must be tricky for Nightfall here!

Nightfall: (nods)

Chase: Can we at least get you a bath?

Marshall: Why did you go through the sewers anyway?

Mason: (shrugs) It was quiet and nobody would glare at Nightfall!

(scene changes to Marshall and Chase heading to Katie's pet parlor with Nightfall staying close to them)

Katie: Hi pups! (notices Nightfall) I see you've got the ifrit pups with you!

Nightfall: (nervously) Hi? (backs away) Maybe I just stay away!

Katie: (concerned) Something wrong girl? (realizes) You're that shadowy pup Harold made!

Marshall: She's kinda confused about which side she's on since she was born from Gasket and Chase!

Katie: (nods) I see why she's a little skittish! (gently) Come here girl!

Nightfall: (nervously approaches) (unsure) Um?

Katie: Wow, you sure are nervous about being here aren't you?

Nightfall: (sighs) After what I did with Harold, it's reasonable why I am so unsure!

(scene changes to Katie giving Nightfall a bath which really relaxes her)

Katie: You must really like baths, girl?

Nightfall: (sighs) (nods) They're really relaxing!

(ground shakes)

Everyone: (surprised) What was that?

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