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Rhaella sat in a corner of the Red Keep's gardens, hidden from view by cherry blossoms and daisies. 

She had finished her lessons early that day after having begged her septa for a reprieve considering the beautifulness of the day. Septa Morlaine was not immune to the effects of Rhaella's smile, and had given in by the end of the hour. Rhaenyra was off with Lady Alicent Hightower in the dragon pits, leaving Rhaella alone without amusement. Her mother had forbidden her from coming to her room that day after having spent much of the morning there already, leaving only one option for the Peaceful Princess: the gardens.

Wisps of her white-golden hair drifted in the breeze as she thumbed through the book on Visenya Targaryen's time in Storm's End. She could hear the distant idle talk of the ladies and lords of the court, but she could care less of what they spoke of. She had no time for gossip, after all. Ancient voices whispered amongst the breeze, filling her mind with meaningless words. Her dreams the night before had bothered her with images of swords dripping with blood and King's Landing burning from green flames.

"I thought that I might find you here."

Rhaella looked up from her book to see her uncle Daemon standing just a few feet away from where she was seated on a stone bench. Rhaella smiled, and Daemon's normally harsh features softened as he smiled in return.

"Kepus," Rhaella greeted, setting her book aside. She stood and walked over to him, Daemon allowing her to give him a brief hug. She was dwarfed by his tall stature, the warrior's build contrasting greatly with that of the small princess. "I did not know that you were coming to court today. I would have greeted you in the dragonpit—"

"I wanted to surprise you," Daemon said softly as she stepped back from him, their mother language rolling off his tongue with ease. Rhaella tilted her head to the side, her smile turning lop-sided.

"A wonderful surprise indeed," she declared. "I am glad that you are here, uncle. Court is dreadfully boring without you."

"I fear that you may be the only one who thinks so," Daemon teased, his familiar smirk appearing on his lips. Rhaella shrugged, uncaring. While others viewed Daemon as a menace, a threat to the crown, Rhaella only saw her uncle. The same uncle who would take her out for rides on Caraxes as the sun began to set upon the horizon, much to the chagrin of her parents. Daemon often thought that she was perhaps the only person in King's Landing who thought so highly of him.

Daemon studied her for a moment, noting the slight circles under her eyes and the way in which her gaze flitted across the gardens.

"Your dreams," Daemon said. He reached up and cradled her head in his hand, softly bringing his finger to brush against the bruised skin beneath her eyes. "You have been suffering in my absence."

"I would be suffering even if you had stayed," Rhaella told him, reaching up to give his hand a small pat. "It is not up to you or me. It is up to the gods what I see." Daemon sighed. He would not deny that it bothered him. Why should his gentle niece be plagued with these visions? She did not deserve this suffering.

"I brought you something," Daemon revealed to her after a moment, letting his hand drop away from her face. Rhaella perked up at his words, looking up at him curiously. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace. Rhaella's eyes lit up at the beautiful jewelry, and she gently took it into her hands to study. She knew right away that it had been forged from Valyrian steel. It was a small chain, encrusted with a mix of diamonds and pearls. A ruby was hung from its center, surrounded by a series of small diamonds. It was small and delicate, just like her, yet showcased the strength of the Targaryens.

"Kepus, this is beautiful," Rhaella breathed. Daemon gently took the necklace from her hands, watching her with a fond smile.

"Turn around." Rhaella grinned and did as he bid, lifting her hair up so that he could bring the necklace around her neck. Rhaella felt a shiver run down her spine as his fingers grazed the skin of the back of her neck.

"Gevie," Daemon said, their ancient language rolling off his tongue. Rhaella blushed, ducking her head. Daemon let out a small noise and reached forward, placing his finger under her chin to bring her gaze back to him.

"My niece, you bow to no one," he said firmly. Rhaella let out a small laugh. 


A/N: here is part one of twin flames!! what are your thoughts so far?

also: any dialogue in italics means that they are speaking in high valyrian! I have had a lot of issues with translators, so this seemed easier for the long phrases and conversations :) hope it isn't too confusing!

word count: 794

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