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The days following the funeral of her sons were a blur for Rhaella. The Targaryen princess was placed back on bed rest, forced to spend all her time in their chambers as she came to terms with what happened.

The loss of her sons weighed heavily on Rhaella's mind at all times. When she slept at night, her dreams were horrific.

Three nights in a row following the funeral, she dreamed of two little boys. They stood on the shores of Driftmark, staring back at her with light lilac eyes. Their skin was covered in burn marks and scars, some areas of flesh still smoking. The moon shone down on them, alighting the few strands of white hair that remained on their scalps. 

Rhaella could hear dragons shriek in the distance, their great forms flying through the tranquil night sky, but all she could do was stare at the boys, her sons. Their mouths would open and the screams they let out were not human. They were dragon roars. 

Then she would wake, tears streaming down her face as Daemon quietly shushed her, rocking her gently in his arms as he cried too. The company of her children and half-siblings was tiring, but she would forever be grateful for them distracting her from the deep ache in her heart

Daemon and their children were constantly with her, desperate to be in her company after the loss of the babes. Despair and grief seemed to cling to all of them like a second skin, their minds constantly bombarded with ideas of what could have been had that traumatic night not come to pass. Even little Daella, who was usually so happy and peaceful among her family, did not smile those first few days, caught in the same storm of sorrow and misery as the rest of her family. 

Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena began to join them in Rhaella and Daemon's chambers after those first days of mourning, fitting seamlessly into the Targaryen family as they always had.

Helaena would curl up with Rhaella on the large bed, Aemma splayed out on Rhaella's other side. While Aemma was still in too much pain to participate in the games like the rest of the children did and was forced to stay on the bed with her mother, Helaena chose to stick to her sister's side, much more comfortable in the role of the observer beside Rhaella. 

The three would watch as Daemon, Baelon, Aegon, and Aemond would play rounds of chivasse or discuss Daemon's time fighting in the Stepstones. Rhaegar, Damion, and Daella would be on the floor near the fire, playing with the few dragon figurines they had brought with them to Driftmark.

It was all an attempt to distract themselves from the horrors that had taken place within the walls of High Tide, though they could not escape the memories. Large bandages were wrapped around Aemond's head, obscuring most of his facial features from view. Similar bandages completely covered Aemma's pale arm, which was held gently in Rhaella's small hands as she tried to comfort her daughter.

Rhaenys, Baela, and Rhaena came often as well. Laenor stopped by briefly once, obviously deep in his cups, though Rhaella could not blame him. Her cousin had not taken the events of the week well, and he had turned to wine rather than to his family as Rhaella had done. Still, when he came, he laid up on the bed beside Rhaenyra and hugged her tightly just as he used to do when they were younger. 

Even Corlys and Viserys came one morning before they met with Corlys's advisors on the state of Driftmark and the surrounding settlements. The only ones to not visit Rhaella were Alicent and Rhaenyra.

Soon, a week had passed since the funeral ceremony of Rhaella and Daemon's sons, and Otto Hightower had persuaded Viserys in returning to the Red Keep. The day before the royal party was set to sail back to King's Landing, Alicent made her appearance. 

The rest of their family was having dinner in the main hall of High Tide, both Daemon and Rhaella wishing for their children to see Viserys one last time before he left. Their children loved Viserys just as Viserys loved them, and Rhaella and Daemon wanted them to spend as much time with the Targaryen king before his health worsened even more. 

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