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"I still can't believe that you are getting married tomorrow, baby sister," Rhaella said wistfully. She stared at Helaena's reflection through the mirror, her tear-filled eyes dancing over the figure of her sister clad in her wedding dress. Rhaella leaned forward and gently rested her head against Helaena's shoulder.

It wasn't until this moment that Rhaella realized how much time had passed. She had held Helaena just moments after her birth, had soothed her nightmares in her youth, had braided her hair, and listened to her talk endlessly of her little bugs and butterflies. In the blink of an eye, that was all gone, leaving behind a grown woman Rhaella couldn't be prouder of.

"A golden marriage that ends in blood," Helaena said with a soft, sad smile. Rhaella's eyebrows raised at her words, images flitting through her mind's eye of dragons flying through the sky, battling each other in a haze of fire and smoke.

"I suppose it will," Rhaella said after a moment, her face pale as she met Helaena's purple gaze through the mirror.

"A golden marriage sounds nice," came a voice from below them. Helaena and Rhaella turned to look at Aemma who was crouched down on the ground, the hem of Helaena's dress in her hand. The younger Targaryen held a needle and thread, her tongue sticking out from the corner of her mouth as she focused on embroidering the dress.

Aemma had long since grown used to the little riddles her mother and aunt exchanged back and forth. It was like they were speaking together in a language that no one could understand, leaving the rest of them to grapple with trying to figure out what they were saying. Most of the time, the family just let the two women be in their own world.

When Rhaella and Helaena were together, they conversed in these riddles and phrases as though the dreams of the other amplified their own. Aemma liked listening to them talk, though. It was why she had volunteered to spend time with them that day when the rest of her siblings went to the Dragonpit to fly.

The eldest daughter of the Peaceful Princess knew that her mother and aunt were dragon dreamers. She had known for a long time, as did Baelon and Rhaegar. The three eldest children had conversed more than once on the meanings of the strange phrases their mother muttered throughout the day and the dreams that caused her to scream and shout in the night.

They almost spoke to Daemon about it more than once, but they never brought it up with him. Even as young as they were, the children understood the danger of such dreams.

"You are too young to begin thinking about marriage, sweet girl," Rhaella told Aemma with a laugh, reaching down to run a gentle hand through her daughter's curly hair. "It will not be a golden marriage that awaits you. No, it will be one of ice and fire."

"Ice and fire?" Aemma asked, wrinkling her nose in confusion. Helaena giggled at the expression on her niece's face, drawing a smile onto both Rhaella's and Aemma's lips. Helaena's laughter was like chimes in the wind, beautiful and peaceful just like her.

"What are you three giggling about?" A voice asked from behind them. The three women looked over to see Daemon walking into Helaena's chambers, Viserra and Elaena held in his arms.

It was quite the sight to see the famed Rogue Prince weighed down by the giggling three-year-olds. Elaena's hands were wrapped around Daemon's neck, pulling him to her, while Viserra clumsily twisted strands of his hair from where she was held on his other side. All three wore bright, identical smiles filled with mischief and glee.

Rhaella practically swooned at the sight of her husband holding their youngest daughters in his arms. Helaena smiled widely at her sister's reaction to the sight of Daemon and gently pushed Rhaella in his direction.

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