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Rhaella stood on the balcony of their chambers, her hands clasped over her very swollen stomach. Mellos predicted that the babe would come within the week, and Rhaella's bed rest had become even stricter than it had in the last month. The only thing keeping her sane was the balcony.

She watched as the sun set before her, casting everything in a pink and golden glow as it disappeared below the horizon. Her hair looked like spun gold and her loose dressing gown swayed around her ankles in the gentle breeze. 

She could hear the habitants of King's Landing prepare for the night, the merchants closing down their shops and the young people journeying to the taverns. She smiled wistfully, wishing that she could be down there with Daemon enjoying the night as well.

"My love, you should be in bed."

Rhaella turned to see Daemon walking towards her, his infamous smirk on his lips as he took off Dark Sister's sheath from around his waist and placed iron on their desk. He shed his doublet and boots, leaving him in a thin undershirt and barefoot as he moved to stand behind her.

Rhaella smiled as he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek, his arms reaching out to hold up her swollen stomach for her. She sighed in relief and leaned back into his chest.

"I have been in bed all day, Daemon," Rhaella said with a short laugh. "I just wanted to see the sunset. I wish I could fly with Gaelith right now, the sky looks beautiful..."

"And give birth to our babe on Gaelith's back? It would be a story to be sung about for hundreds of years," Daemon teased, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Would that be so bad, my husband?" Rhaella murmured, giving him a mischievous smile. Daemon laughed, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. And then he kissed her jaw, and then her neck, and then her shoulder. Rhaella hummed, closing her eyes as he lavished her in kisses.

Daemon's hand moved and he pushed down the neckline of her dress for more access. Rhaella chuckled and turned in his embrace to kiss him properly. The kiss turned hot and intense as it always did, and the husband and wife quickly found themselves on their bed, naked and in love. Rhaella's large belly kept space between them, amusing Rhaella and frustrating Daemon to no end.

Hours later, the two laid under the soft blankets of their bed. Rhaella was nestled into Daemon's side, her large bump laid atop his stomach to relieve the pressure from her back. Daemon didn't mind it, actually enjoying the weight and being able to see their child shift within Rhaella.

"Do you think the babe will like lemon cakes?" Rhaella asked softly into the stillness of their chambers. Daemon chuckled, running his fingertips over the stretched skin of her stomach.

"With how many lemon cakes you have eaten during this pregnancy, I do not think that should even be a question," he teased. Rhaella made a face.

"What do you think he will be like?" Rhaella asked after a few minutes. Daemon smiled, holding her closer to him. Rhaella had been saying that their babe was a boy for months, and he knew not to question her predictions. He himself had dreamed of what their son would look like, what he would do, who he would become.

"He will be perfect," Daemon whispered, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her temple. "He has to be since he is half of you."

"And half of you," Rhaella said quickly.

"And half of me," Daemon amended. Rhaella turned her head and pressed a quick kiss to his chest.

Several minutes passed and Daemon could practically feel Rhaella's nervousness radiated off her in waves.

"What is on your mind, my love?" Daemon asked softly in High Valyrian. Rhaella sighed.

"I am worried, Daemon," she whispered.

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