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As the carriage rolled through the streets of King's Landing, Rhaella clutched Daemon's hand tightly as though it was her lifeline.

The princess put on an act for the smallfolk who gathered along the sides of the street to catch a glimpse of her and her family returning to King's Landing after a year away. She smiled and waved at the hundreds gathered, earning roars of applause and cheers.

When Baelon and Rhaena peered out the window of the carriage from their seats opposite Rhaella and Daemon, the cheers grew even more raucous. It appeared as though nearly all the inhabitants of King's Landing had stopped what they were doing to receive the members of the royal family.

In the year since Baelon and Rhaena's wedding, things had changed in the Red Keep, the power balance shifting, and the smallfolk recognized it well enough. Viserys was fading, and the Towers were moving to take his place. It was a fact obvious even to those living in the depths of Flea Bottom.

With the Red Dragons finally returning, perhaps things would change for the better. Perhaps, even, they would take over for Viserys.

As their carriage neared the Red Keep, Rhaella shifted further and further away from the window, her grip on Daemon's hand tightening. She let her mask of happiness fall, and Daemon and her children could see how uneasy Rhaella felt returning to the Red Keep in the face of so much uncertainty.

Viserra and Elaena, who had been chattering away in their seats beside Daemon at a constant pace ever since they joined their parents and their oldest brother and good-sister in the carriage, fell silent as they watched their mother struggle to maintain her composure.

Baelon and Rhaena studied the older woman with concern, both seeing the dark circles under her eyes and the paleness of her face that went far beyond what was normal even for Targaryens.

"Muña, it will be alright," Baelon tried to reassure. Rhaella smiled weakly but did not reply. Daemon gave his son a look, and Baelon hesitantly nodded. The man immediately engaged Viserra and Elaena in conversation about their dragons as Daemon scooted closer to Rhaella.

"My love," the Rogue Prince began, his breath ghosting over her ear. "Baelon speaks the truth."

"This visit will not end well," Rhaella replied despondently. "It will end in tragedy, in nightmares, in forever broken bonds. This visit will change everything."

"All of that because of the petitions?" Daemon asked, trying weakly for an attempt at humor. Rhaella did not budge, her expression solemn as ancient voices mindlessly whispered in her ears. She knew, in her heart, in her soul, that this would only be the beginning.

Daemon sighed softly and gently brushed away a stray curl of Rhaella's hair away from her face. "You should have flown with me and slept. Gaelith would have followed us. I know that your dreams have been plaguing you since Vaemond's declaration. Have your...Have your dreams told you something?"

Rhaella turned and looked at him, and Daemon saw everything he needed to in her gaze. His heart sank.

Every night since Vaemond announced his intentions to petition the Crown, Rhaella dreamed the same dreams she had seen when she was but a girl on Driftmark, when she had lost her sons, and when Viserra and Elaena had been born. 

The changes in the visions ever since the birth of her daughters remained ever present in her mind, causing her to question just what her children were capable of, what changes had already been made to their fate. Now, since Vaemond's announcement, another change had been made. Every night as she dreamed, a haunting melody was sung as she watched dragons and their riders fall.

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