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Aegon's second name day was fast approaching and the Red Keep was busy preparing for the royal hunt her father had arranged to celebrate. Rhaella wanted to get away, and she knew Gaelith did too. Too many people were wandering around the Keep desperate for her attention and favor, and her renowned patience was running thin.

Somehow, she had managed to convince her father to let her go to Driftmark to visit briefly with Rhaenys and Laena ahead of the hunt.

Her father did not want her to go at first. Viserys wanted Rhaella to be at Alicent's side in case she went into labor, and he wanted her assistance in greeting the incoming lords and ladies for her beautiful smile and peaceful countenance would soothe all the agitation and disturbances that would no doubt come up between the various lords.

It was only when Rhaella reminded him of the importance of maintaining good relations with House Velaryon and her own personal need to get away for a brief while that he relented.

The sun rose steadily over the horizon, painting the waters of the Blackwater Bay brilliant shades of gold and orange. Driftmark was but a blurry shape in the distance, bringing a sense of bliss to the Targaryen princess.

Rhaella smiled as the wind ruffled her hair, leaning back in her saddle and closing her eyes to fully embrace the feeling of freedom. Gaelith roared beneath her, the she-dragon voicing her own contentment.

It had only been a few months since she had been to High Tide. She had come to see Laenor off before he left to join the war effort in the Stepstones, which was truthfully more painful than Daemon's and Corlys's send off had been.

Lots of tears were involved from everyone, despite Laenor's claims that he had not been crying at all. The three women had flown with Laenor until Tarth with Rhaenys on Meleys, Laena on Vhagar, and Rhaella on Gaelith. The sight of Laenor disappearing into the horizon on Seasmoke had filled Rhaella with terror as she remembered from Daemon's letters what would await her sweet cousin in the Stepstones.

A deep roar echoed in the calm sky, drawing Rhaella from her thoughts. The hair on the back of her neck stood up as she turned in her saddle, looking around cautiously.

A movement to her left caught her eye and she looked to see Vhagar descend from the clouds above her, Laena sitting atop the ancient dragon. Rhaella laughed in delight as Vhagar steadied to fly beside Gaelith, the two white-haired cousins waving to each other enthusiastically.

Rhaella and Gaelith followed Laena and Vhagar to the dragon pits on Driftmark. As soon as Rhaella had gotten unstrapped and slid down Gaelith's back, she was attacked with a hug.

"Laena!" Rhaella gasped, giggling as stumbled back. She quickly wrapped her arms around her cousin in return, holding her close. She had missed Laena in all her wild, mischievous glory.

"I am so happy you are here," Laena told her, squeezing Rhaella in her arms. "It has been so lonely here without Father or Laenor."

"Have you gotten word from Laenor?" Rhaella asked as the two separated. Laena wrapped Rhaella's arm around her own, leading her out of the pits and towards the keep as the dragon keepers settled Gaelith in.

"He arrived safely in the Stepstones," Laena reported with a sad smile. "He does not say too much in his letters to not worry us, but he has been heavily involved in the fighting."

"He knows what he is doing," Rhaella assured her. "He is one of the best knights in the Seven Kingdoms and he has Seasmoke."

"I know that in my mind, but my heart still worries," Laena sighed, the two soon dropping into companionable silence.

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