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The next day, Daemon followed Rhaella around like a moth to a flame. No matter where she went, whether it was to the gardens, to the nursery, or to the library, he was at her side, whispering into her ear with his familiar smirk.

The ladies of the court were near incredulous at the sight of the Rogue Prince tethered to the princess's side, but neither Daemon nor Rhaella paid them any mind, too wrapped up in the other's presence. It was obvious to everyone that something had changed between them, something electric.

For much of the afternoon, Rhaella, and, therefore, Daemon, stayed in the nursery, entertaining Aegon and Helaena with tales of heroes and dragons. Helaena stayed in Rhaella's arms as always, the youngest princess having cried until her sister took pity and held her. Aegon sat next to Daemon, his toy figurine of Balerion the Black Dread in his hands.

Rhaella watched in adoration as Daemon played with Aegon, using a figurine of Dreamfyre to fight against Balerion. She laughed, her entire face lighting up with happiness as Daemon roared, sending Aegon into a giggle fit at his uncle's voice.

She had never seen Daemon as someone who was good with children, but here he was, on the ground of the royal nursery playing with toy dragons alongside his nephew. Aegon was ecstatic to have the larger man play with him, pulling him into game after game.

Eventually, Aegon grew tired and the wetnurse charged to care for Aegon and Helaena took the young prince and princess to their chambers for a nap. This left Rhaella and Daemon alone on the floor of the nursery, surrounded by the fine toys and trinkets that Aegon had carelessly left lying around.

"You are wonderful with him," Rhaella said to Daemon, leaning back on her hands. Daemon looked to her curiously, his eyebrows raised. "With Aegon, I mean. He adores you."

"That is because I have irresistible charm," Daemon teased. Rhaella rolled her eyes with a laugh.

"I am sure that half of the court would disagree with you on that," she told him, leaning her head to the side to rest against her shoulder. Daemons shrugged, uncaring.

"I have never cared for what the court thinks," Daemon said with a sniff. "Most of them are power-hungry snakes and vultures, ready to feed on those who failed before them. They don't like me because they know they can't control me."

"Daemon!" Rhaella scolded, peering over her shoulder towards the closed doors of the nursery.

"Like I said," Daemon began, drawing Rhaella's attention back to him. "I do not care what the court thinks." He moved over to her, coming to sit beside her, their shoulders pressed against each other.

Rhaella raised her eyebrows at his forwardness and as she turned to look back at the doors once more, Daemon captured her chin in his hand.

They stared at each other for a moment before Daemon leaned forward, gently capturing her lips in a sweet kiss. Rhaella relaxed into his touch, leaning into him as his lips worked expertly against hers.

"Are you sure you want to marry me?" Rhaella whispered against his lips. Daemon paused, and Rhaella took it as a sign to keep talking. "I cannot give you a throne, or vast riches and power. I am just a second-born daughter of a king."

"And I am just a second-born son of a prince," Daemon whispered back. "I have already been given a throne in the Stepstones, just as you once predicted. All I want now is your love. I want to fly all over the world with Caraxes and Gaelith. I want to be by your side for as long as you will have me."

"I think I can manage that," Rhaella teased, moving forward and kissing him again. Daemon chuckled softly, bringing his hand to rest against her jaw.

"I had a dream last night," Rhaella murmured against his lips once they parted again, their foreheads leaned against one another. Their breaths mingled in the space between them, causing a flush to appear along Rhaella's cheeks.

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