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The North, 1 Week Since the Battle in the Skies of the Stormlands

Ice-covered snow crouched beneath Aemma's boots as she led Cregan through the woods surrounding Winterfell. They had left the ancient Northern stronghold just as the sun began to rise that morning, the Stark and Targaryen pair slipping out of the castle and past the outer walls of the keep before anyone was awake to notice.

They walked together, Aemma in just her riding leathers and hair braided simply down her back, Cregan beside her with his thick fur cloak and even thicker gloves, Ice hung securely at his side. Their breaths lingered in the air like fog, a testament to the freezing temperatures of the Northern morning.

"How do you know where she is nested?" Cregan's deep voice broke the peaceful silence of the morning, his dark blue eyes staring at the Targaryen beside him curiously.

"I just know," Aemma said simply with a shrug, turning her head to stare up at her betrothed with a small, peaceful smile. "We're bonded, Silverwing and I."

"And you speak to each other through" Cregan asked, his tone uncertain. Aemma laughed softly.

"No, nothing like that," she assured him. "It's just...I know."

"You've said that already," Cregan teased, amusement lacing his words. Their hands brushed against each other, and Aemma's smile widened, a light blush coating her cheeks that had nothing to do with the cold.

Several days had passed since Aemma had first arrived in Winterfell on Silverwing's saddle. Jace had stayed in the Northern stronghold just as he had promised her that night during the feast. He had tried to speak with Aemma every chance he got, often ambushing her in the corridors of Winterfell, desperate to speak with her and come to some compromise that would save their families from war, but Aemma would not entertain him. She would slip past him at every chance, evading his efforts with ease.

Instead, she spent her time in Winterfell with Cregan, Madelyn, and Silverwing, finding that the more she distracted herself with exploring the North and strengthening her family's relationship with House Stark and the rest of the Northern Houses, the more the sparking rage within her calmed to a controllable simmer.

She and Cregan had held several meetings with the few Northern lords who had immediately traveled to Winterfell upon learning of the arrival of two Targaryens to the North. Lord Cerwyn, Lord Hornwood, and Lord Bolton were the first to arrive, and Cregan had relayed to Aemma that many more lords were traveling to Winterfell as the days passed to hear what the House of the Dragon was asking of them.

Several Northern lords were expected to arrive that day, and so Aemma and Cregan snuck out early to enjoy what little free time they had together before their lives soon became overcome with talk of war.

The pair walked through the woods for a long time, climbing over fallen trees and through frozen bushes, listening to the sounds of the forest slowly waking up with the rising sun.

"I would not have thought a Southern princess would want to go exploring through the wilderness of the North," Cregan said after a few minutes of peaceful silence, peering at Aemma out of the corner of his eyes. Aemma rolled her eyes goodnaturedly.

"I am not just a Southern princess," Aemma reminded him. "I'm a Targaryen, born of fire and blood and ash. Rhaegar and I would run around Dragonstone and Driftmark like wild children. My mother and father went through at least seven septas because we ran them so ragged."

"Why does that not surprise me?" Cregan mused, and Aemma scoffed, reaching over and gently pushing Cregan away from her. Cregan chuckled, letting Aemma push him despite how slight she was compared to his large size.

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