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A/N: wanted to give a little warning that this chapter might be upsetting for people! it's not super graphic or anything, but it's definitely sad. if you're not in the right head space to read this, DM me and I can give you a short summary on what happened! take care of yourselves!!

Rhaella fell to the floor, letting out a loud cry. Her knees hit the stone floor roughly, the sound of bone hitting stone echoing in the room. Everyone stood frozen, shocked, as Rhaella let out another cry, her hands coming to fist at the skirts over her swollen stomach.

Daemon and Baelon knelt down beside her, keeping her upright as Orwyle rushed over to them.

Rhaenyra and Alicent gaped at the sight, their eyes wide with fear. Aegon the Conqueror's blade was forgotten at their feet, the Valyrian steel tilted to reflect the image of Rhaella on the ground.

Rhaella groaned, leaning against Daemon as Orwyle checked her over.

"It's the babes," Orwyle murmured to Daemon, though he may as well have shouted with the silence that had settled over the room. "Something is not right. We must get to your chambers quickly."

Everyone watched as Corlys stepped over and helped Daemon lift Rhaella up off the ground. The three raced from the room, Orwyle and Rhaenys right behind them. They could hear as Orwyle whispered to Daemon something about breaches in the womb, stress, and premature labor.

Viserys crumpled into the Driftwood Throne, his face ashen as he stared in the direction his daughter had been taken. Tears began to slip down his spotted cheeks, his hand coming up to shakily cover his mouth in his shock.

Rhaenyra's eyes went from her father to Alicent. The Hightower woman was already staring back at her, green clashing against violet. A million words passed silently between them before the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard stepped between them, blocking them from the view of the other.

"Are the babes coming?" Damion asked softly into the silence that had settled. Everyone looked to the young Targaryen, though the boy did not shrink under their gaze. Beside him, Baelon, Rhaegar, and Aemma wore fearful expressions on their faces as they looked to the entryway Rhaella had been rushed through.

"Yes, you're little siblings are on their way," Rhaenyra said quickly, forcing a calm smile on her face. "Come, why don't you four wait with us in our chambers?" Immediately, Baelon shook his head.


Rhaenyra paused, frowning at her oldest nephew. He stared back at her defiantly, his amethyst eyes flashing in the light of the fire. Her words that night would never be forgotten by the young prince, the actions his cousin had taken against his youngest sister forever ingrained in his memory.

"I will take the princes and princess to their rooms," Ser Robert said, stepping forward from the lineup of the rest of the Kingsguard. They all turned to him in surprise. Ser Harrold nodded approvingly at the man.

Before Rhaenyra or anyone else could protest, Ser Robert was gently picking Aemma up in his arms and leading her and the rest of Rhaella and Daemon's children back to their chambers.

Rhaenyra watched them go, her heart breaking. They were her sister's children, they should be with her as they waited. She looked back at where Alicent had begun to fret over Aemond's stitches, Aegon and Helaena close to their mother's side. The three children were shocked by the turn of events, their faces pale with fear for their older sister

Rhaenyra turned to her sons. They stared up at her with wide eyes. Blood dripped from Luke's broken nose down his chin and onto the floor, a reminder of what all had happened that night, of what boundaries had been crossed, of what betrayals had been made. 

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