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After Daemon's acceptance back into court, Viserys arranged for a celebration of sorts to be held in the royal gardens. 

Almost all of the lords and ladies of the court that had been in the throne room congregated amongst the blooming bushes and trees, speaking and gossiping with each other about Daemon's reappearance and the prowess he showed on the battlefield in the Stepstones. They heralded him a warrior king, just as Rhaella had prophesied all those years before.

The Peaceful Princess found herself staring over at Rhaenyra and Daemon as they spoke to each other across the gardens from her. She felt the unfamiliar beast of jealousy rear its ugly head within her as she watched them laugh together, speaking in hushed whispers that she could not hear. She did not know why she felt this way, as she had never felt it before, but she knew enough to know that she did not like it.


Rhaella turned her head to see Aegon bounding towards her, his septa hurrying behind. Rhaella smiled brightly at her half-brother, something noticed by everyone in the gardens.

Alicent watched on from where she stood with several ladies, a small smile on her face as she watched her son greet Rhaella. The Targaryen woman was truly one of the only people who Aegon could greet so happily and carefree, and it warmed Alicent's heart to see it.

Viserys also watched his daughter and son, pleased to see the two halves of his family together. While Rhaenyra always avoided Alicent, Aegon, and Helaena, choosing to instead spend time on her own, Rhaella was always around and eager to be with the other members of their family.

"I am sorry, Princess Rhaella," the septa apologized, breathing heavily as she finally got ahold of Aegon's arm just a few feet from Rhaella. "We were walking to the library and he ran as soon as he saw you in the gardens."

"It is quite alright," Rhaella reassured the older woman. She leaned down and brought Aegon into her arms, lifting him up so that he could sit atop her hip, though it would not be long before he would be too big for it.

She did not care how her dress was ruined with the mud under his shoes, instead taking it upon herself to tickle him along his neck. He laughed boisterously, and the lords and ladies of the court smiled at the childish laughter before returning back to their conversations.

"How have your lessons been, Egg?" Rhaella asked him, reaching up to gently sweep his white-blond curls to the side once she was done tickling him. "I heard that you were practicing your letters."

"I want ride on Gaelith!" Aegon declared. Rhaella had brought Aegon on his first dragon ride on the old she-dragon just a few weeks before after long conversations with Alicent, who was still as terrified of the creatures as she was when they were younger.

Rhaella laughed joyfully at her little brother's words, promising him a ride the next day after the festivities were complete. She began regalling Aegon with the details of her ride on Gaelith earlier that day, ignorant of the fierce stare trained on her from across the gardens.

Daemon watched, mesmerized as Rhaella held and spoke with her half-brother. He had never seen her interact with children before and yet he could tell right away that she was a natural. Aegon was delighted in her company and she in his, and Daemon felt a stirring in his heart.

She deserved to have a hoard of children following her around, delighting in her beauty and kindness. He found himself wanting to give them to her.

His eyes swept over her form, seeing truly how much more beautiful she had become in the years since he had seen her last. While she looked beautiful in her riding leathers earlier that day, hair windswept from the flight when they met on the beach, it became even more clear to him how she had grown once she was back in courtly dress.

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