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Word reached the Red Keep a week later of a fire at Harrenhal.

It occurred during the first night after the Strong party had arrived back at their keep, its origins suspiciously unknown. Lord Lyonel Strong died along with most of those sworn to House Strong. Among the survivors was Ser Harwin Strong.

It seemed to be pure luck that allowed Ser Breakbones from escaping the curse of Harrenhal. He had been in the training yard practicing drills with the dummies when the fire first broke out, and had bravely gone into the castle to help save nearly 50 servants who were working in the kitchens, completely oblivious to the flames burning above them. He was proclaimed a hero across the Seven Kingdoms and made the new Lord of Harrenhall.

In the short note that he had managed to get to Rhaenyra, Harwin described that the reason he stayed in the training yard last night was because he was confused by something Rhaella said to him.

"Beware the curse of Harrenhal," he wrote to her. He had no idea what it meant, but he knew a warning when he heard one. And then, just as he was contemplating it, a fire broke out in Harrenhal. It was as though Rhaella had foreseen the accident happening. Or, maybe it wasn't an accident at all. 

Rhaenyra did not know what to make of her lover's words. She kept it secret, not telling a soul of what Harwin suspected. The heir did not think her sister to have it in her to purposely kill the Strongs. Rhaella respected Ser Harwin and Lord Lyonel, and had never had reason to dislike them. But, Alicent did, and Rhaenyra knew how close her sister was to her former friend. Maybe she had overheard something. Maybe she had a premonition. Rhaella did not know what to think.

Laenor, Rhaenyra, and their children decided to go to Harrenhall a few days after the news of the fire, their visit disguised as a gesture of goodwill from the Crown in the wake of the sudden death of the former Hand of the Seven Kingdoms. Most of those residing in the Red Keep suspected a different reason for the visit.

A week after the Princess of Dragonstone and her family left the Red Keep, a letter arrived from Essos.

Daemon had presented it to Rhaella early that morning after having been given it by Orwyle. Rhaella had eagerly grabbed it from Daemon's hand, much to his amusement. They were preparing to break fast with their children in their chambers, though none of the children had yet to come.

Daemon stood behind her, peering over her shoulder as she broke the seal of the letter, the red wax shaped into the sigil of Terysio's family.

She expected the letter to be from Laena, detailing the birth of her newest child. The two had a bet going between them on who would give birth first since their expecting dates were just a week apart, and Rhaella had never been happier to lose a bet.

Rhaella was excited to read about the birth, if the babe was a boy or girl, what name they had chosen for them, and what Baela and Rhaena thought of their newest sibling. The two best friends had already planned to meet on Driftmark within two months so that their new babes could be introduced to each other, and Rhaella could hardly wait.

As her amethyst eyes scanned over the loopy handwriting of Terysio, the wide smile on her lips slowly fell. Again and again, she read the same words hoping that their message would change. It did not. A choked sob escaped her lips, and Daemon was quick to bring her into his arms, holding securely to him for support.

Rhaella had never known heartbreak like this.

The birth had been complicated. The babe was a stillborn, a boy with Laena's curly white hair springing from his head. An heir. Between the complications and the death of the babe, the Braavosi healers did not expect Laena to live more than a few days. The physical damage was too great, the grief and trauma of what had happened overwhelming.

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