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The sun rose steadily over the eastern horizon, painting the skies in beautiful shades of gold as the city of King's Landing came to life, its citizens unknowing of the horrors that would soon come upon them in the coming hours.

The smallfolk rose from their beds and began their routines, hopeful for the beautiful summer's day ahead. Storeowners stood in the streets, sweeping the cobbled stones of any evidence of the city's nocturnal activities, preparing themselves for what they hoped to be a busy and fruitful day. Bakers in the Street of Flour put fresh loaves of bread on their window sills, and the fishermen of Fishmonger's Square gutted their early morning catches from the Blackwater Rush. The steelworkers in the Street of Steel stoked the flames of their ovens, and the septas began to light the candles within the Great Sept.

It was a day like any other day until it wasn't.

One by one, people across the city began to take notice of the thousands of fliers stapled to their doorways and littering their streets. They picked up the sheets of paper, and those who could read quickly scanned the paper's contents, those illiterate hovering over their shoulders waiting. Their eyes widened, and their hearts sunk in their chests at the news they read, and all cast their gazes towards the distant domed structure of the Dragonpit on top of Rhaenys's Hill.

Then, a furious roar rang out, shaking the foundations of the city itself, echoing in the beautiful sky, and shattering any sense of safety and comfort the citizens of King's Landing had felt as they began their days. They turned their gazes from the Dragonpit towards the sky above them, their hearts plummeting to their stomachs, their hands shaking at their sides.

Gaelith, Vermithor, Silverwing, and Meleys flew in tight circles above the Red Keep, their scales glimmering in the rays of the rising sun, their beauty a sharp contrast to the danger they held. The shadows of the behemoth creatures engulfed entire streets in darkness, and many of the smallfolk abandoned their work and took shelter inside their homes, staring out their windows in terror.

Vermithor and Meleys shot flames into the sky, just a hint of their power, of their threat to rain fire down upon the city. Silveriwing's silver-coated scales glistened like diamonds as the she-dragon dove down out of the formation, whipping past the turrets of the Red Keep as she let out a shrill shriek, the force of her wing beating sending bricks and shingles flying off the famed castle and onto the streets below, sending the smallfolk still outside scrambling for shelter.

The ancient she-dragon Gaelith opened her jaws once more, her bright blue eyes trained on the city below her as a blood-curdling roar left her, striking fear into the hearts of all those who heard it, leaving their ears ringing, chills racing down their spines, and causing the intense instinct to run to take hold in them.

On top of Rhaenys's Hill, those gathered outside the Dragonpit could only watch the four dragons nervously, cringing and ducking each time one of the creatures flew too close to where they had gathered. They could see how the dragons stuck close to the skies above the Red Keep as though they were guarding something inside, but those in the crowd did not want to find out what.

They scrambled to get inside the famed dome building and out of the line of fire from the dragons. While all were too young to have lived through Aegon's Conquering of Westeros, many couldn't help but wonder if this is what their ancestors saw in the moments before fire and blood were rained down upon them as in the famous Targaryen saying. They prayed that their worries would go unfounded, that their questions would be answered as they gathered within the Dragonpit, preparing themselves for a new era of Targaryen rule to begin.

Hundreds and hundreds of people gathered within the domed building, small folk and nobility alike. They packed in until there was hardly any room to move around, all eager to take cover from the threat of the dragons outside, yet they could not escape it. Panicked shouts and screams rang out as the walls of the Dragonpit shook with the roars and wing beats of the creatures continuing to terrorize the city around them.

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