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Three months later, preparations were in full swing for the royal wedding to take place in just a few days. Corlys Velaryon had accepted the betrothal between Laenor and Rhaenyra, and Viserys did not waste any time in planning for the ceremony. Lords and ladies from all over the Seven Kingdoms were arriving in King's Landing for the wedding of the Heir and future Prince Consort.

"Have you spoken to Rhaenyra at all?" Alicent asked Rhaella as they sat together in the nursery, both watching as Aegon tried to play with Helaena. The little girl had just started crawling the week before and quickly found it amusing to have her brother chase her around.

"No," Rhaella said softly. "Not since the...incident." Despite the sorrowness she felt at her words, a small smile curled on her lips as she watched Helaena pick up a figurine of Dreamfyre as she continued to crawl along the floor, Aegon stumbling behind her.

"We have not spoken much either," Alicent admitted, picking at her nails. Rhaella reached forward and gently placed her hand over Alicent's.

She had noticed the distant look in Alicent's eyes the last few months. She saw how her friend fidgeted and became more withdrawn from everyone except Rhaella and her children. Rhaella knew that her father wanted another babe, despite how young Helaena still was.

She did not understand her father's desire for more children. He had four healthy ones already, each of them eager to gain his love and approval despite his obvious favoritism for his two oldest. And still, he wanted more and all Alicent could do was agree. Rhaella did not do what she would do if she was given the same fate.

"You can always come to me to talk," Rhaella told Alicent honestly, giving the woman's hands a squeeze. "I know that it is awkward since you are married to my father, but I mean it. I care about you and Aegon and Helaena, and I want you to be happy." Alicent smiled softly at her words, nodding.

"You are my only friend now, Rhaella," Alicent admitted with a sad sort of laugh. "Everyone else only sees me as a queen or a mother. You are one of the few left who sees me as Alicent."

"That is who you are," Rhaella replied simply. "Never forget that. Before you were a Targaryen, you were a Hightower."

"I cannot remember the last time I wore Hightower green," Alicent said wistfully, watching as Aegon caught Helaena and tried to persuade her into giving up the Dreamfyre figurine.

"What is stopping you?"

Alicent turned and looked at her like she grew a second head. Rhaella shrugged in response, as though what she just said did not challenge Alicent's whole perspective when it came to marriage and performing her duties as a wife and queen consort.

Aegon finally gave up reasoning with Helaena and promptly ripped the figurine from her hands. Helaena let out a loud cry as Aegon scurried away to another part of the room with a victorious grin, his white-blonde hair bouncing with each step.

Rhaella quickly got up from her seat and scooped Helaena into her arms, humming under her breath as she tried to calm the young girl. Alicent watched fondly as Helaena immediately calmed in her half-sister's arms.

"You have always been so good with them, Rhaella," Alicent commented, reaching out a hand as Rhaella walked back so that she could brush a hand through Helaena's messy curls. "I cannot wait to see you with your own some day."

Rhaella smiled at Alicent's words and looked down to see Helaena staring back up at her. That was often how it went when Rhaella and Helaena were together. They would just stare at each other, communicating in a way that no one else could understand as they both heard the voices of their ancestors whisper in the air around them.

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