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Months later, Rhaella gave birth to a son. In accordance with their bet, Daemon got to name him. Daemon settled eventually on the name Damion for their son could be his twin. Their youngest son sported Daemon's dark violet eyes and straight white hair, and he was just as mischievous and restless as his namesake.

Baelon and the twins were thrilled with their little brother. Every day, they begged Rhaella for turns holding Damion in the first few months after he was born. They were constantly in Rhaella's chambers, ooing and awing over every little thing that Damion did. It warmed Rhaella's heart to see how their children so readily welcomed Damion into their little family.

As promised, the growing family traveled to Dragonstone six months after Damion's birth with Rhaenyra and Laenor's blessing for a month-long stay. The looks of amazement on children's faces when their eyes first landed on the towering Targaryen stronghold was one that would forever be burned in Rhaella's and Daemon's memories. 

Soon, one month turned into two and then three. Before long, Rhaella, Daemon, their children, and their dragons had taken up a more permanent residence on the island.

The family of six felt more at home within the spell-forged walls of the castle on Dragonstone than they had ever felt when they were in the Red Keep. They were far from the prying eyes of court, from the rising tensions between the two factions of their family, from the expectations set on them as members of House Targaryen...On Dragonstone, they could just be.

The family constantly explored the castle and the surrounding fishing towns. Rhaella and Baelon would look through the numerous relics of their ancestors while Daemon, Rhaegar, and Aemma explored the numerous hiding spices and secret passages within the stronghold that were so similar to those created by Maegor within the Red Keep.

They went swimming in the waters around the Blackwater Bay at least three times a week, enjoying the cool, salty waters and the company of each other. Rhaella and Daemon taught their children how to swim and regaled them with the stories Corlys had told Rhaella in her youth about the many sea creatures he had come across during the Nine Voyages. 

One such story about a sea serpent the size of Gaelith frightened Aemma so much that she declared she would never go in the water again. This, of course, lasted only a few short days before she was back swimming with the rest of them despite Rhaegar's constant teasing.

The servants were thrilled to have Targaryens stay within Dragonstone once again. The sounds of children laughing through the corridors made them all smile for it had been a long time since such joy was had within the stronghold. The maids and cooks often spoiled Baelon, Rhaegar, Aemma, and Damion, passing the young princes and princess sweet treats when their parents weren't looking.

Most importantly, the family went dragon riding nearly every day. By the time Baelon turned six, Aegarax was finally big enough for the dragon keepers to feel comfortable with Baelon riding him. When Baelon first took flight on Aegarax and became the youngest dragonrider in House Targaryen's history, neither Rhaella nor Daemon were ashamed to admit that they cried. To see their son soaring through the sky with his bonded dragon was a sight like no other.

A year later, Rhaegar and Aemma would do the same.

It happened during the dead of night. Rhaella and Daemon had bid their children good night hours before after a long day of visiting the local towns. The Targaryens had wandered through the markets and bought several little trinkets while they ate the freshly caught fish that had been brought in that day. When they returned to the stronghold, their arms were full with bags of fresh fish for the cooks to use and pieces of jewelry and talismans for the kids to play with. 

The family of six had been in high spirits when they retreated to their chambers. Rhaella and Daemon had taken the rooms they had stayed in during their honeymoon with Baelon and Rhaegar sleeping in the chambers on either side of them. Aemma's room was on Baelon's other side, farthest from Rhaella and Daemon.

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