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Rhaella opened her eyes to a storm raging around her.

She stood on a cliff's edge. The wind whipped around her, pulling and tangling her white golden hair. Dark turbulent waters slammed against the rocks at the base of the cliff below. Thunder boomed and clapped overhead, and Rhaella lifted her gaze to see lightning streak across the darkened skies.

Whispers drifted along in the wind, ancient voices murmuring their ancient language, and goosebumps rose on Rhaella's skin as she listened. The Queen. The Prince That Was Promised. The Seven Break the Wheel. The Saviors of Our Legacy. She could feel eyes upon her, and the Red Queen turned her head, finding a group of people gathered behind her.

They were faceless whisps of white smoke, yet Rhaella felt drawn to them, the whispers growing louder the longer she stared at them.

"Who are you?" She began to say. There was a great roar, causing Rhaella to flinch violently. Any reply she may have been given by the whisps was lost to the deafening sound.

Rhaella whirled around to face the sea, finding three dragons circling above the turbulent waters. Red, black, and green scales reflected the purple lightning crackling across the skies. A great ball of fire shot through the sky towards the majestic creatures, and their tight circle broke as their shrieks and roars echoed.

Her eyes widened in shock, and she looked back to the sea to find it filled with hundreds of ships tipping back and forth over the turbulent waters. Their masts and sails were set aflame by cannon and dragonfire. Roars echoed amongst the thunder, dragons diving through the skies and unleashing flames upon the ships.

The Red Queen could hear pained shouts and cries as ships capsized. She watched as men jumped overboard, swimming past bodies floating face down in the dark waters.

A hand brushed against Rhaella's as she stared out at the scene, and the Red Queen flinched violently.


She turned, her voice dying in her throat. Laena stood before her, familiar violet eyes boring into her own. At once, tears began to stream down Rhaella's cheeks.

"Laena," she whispered. Hesitantly, Rhaella lifted her head, gently cupping Laena's cheek.

Laena smiled sadly at Rhaella, her hand coming up to hold Rhaella's. Distantly, Rhaella could hear the sounds of a stone casket plunging into dark waters.

"They depend on you," Laena said. "The dragons cannot die."

The sounds of enraged dragons shrieking and spitting filled Rhaella's ears. "I know."

Laena's smile widened, her eyes beginning to sparkle with hidden mischief that immediately warmed Rhaella's heart. "Say hello to him for me, Rhaella."

Rhaella opened her eyes to the dark ceiling of her bed chambers.

She gasped for breath, a cool sweat coating her skin as her heart pounded in her chest. Rhaella felt like her head was about to be split into two, and she groaned, her hands coming up to claw at her head in pain.

A gentle breeze drifted across the chambers through the open windows, sending goosebumps rising along Rhaella's arms. She could hear the faint sound of the waters of the Narrow Sea lapping at the beaches of Driftmark, and nausea welled up within her.

Strong arms suddenly wrapped around Rhaella's shivering body, tugging her small form into the warmth of her husband beside her. Instantly, Rhaella felt herself relax.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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