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A loud roar filled the bright blue skies above Driftmark. Dragons flew through the warm summer air, casting shadows down over High Tide and the surrounding villages. People stopped what they were doing to look up, watching with awe-filled expressions as the great creatures flew overhead.

The members of House Targaryen soared through the sky as though they owned it. Gaelith, Caraxes, Meleys, Aegarax, Vermithor, Silverwing, and Darksmoke moved with prowess, their large wings beating in tandem with each other as they moved as one. Clicks and shrieks and roars echoed amongst the clouds as the dragons communicated with each other, just as eager to fly as their riders were.

Rhaella sat atop Gaelith, a wide smile spreading across her lips as she watched her family around her. The ancient she-dragon flew at the back of the group, watching over her hatchlings with her bright blue eyes just as Rhaella watched over hers.

Rhaella huffed out a laugh as she felt Gaelith grumble beneath her, the she-dragon becoming annoyed when Caraxes began calling out to her beside them. Rhaella looked over to see Daemon already staring back at her with a cheeky smirk, and she smiled, her hand coming to rest lightly over her swollen stomach.

A year and a half had passed since the tragic events at High Tide. A year and a half since the deaths of Laena, Laenor, and Rhaella and Daemon's sons. A year and a half since the splitting of House Targaryen. Everything and yet nothing at all had changed in that time.

Rhaella, Daemon, and their children stayed on Driftmark during that time. Corlys and Rhaenys welcomed their family into their home with open arms as they always did, the two just happy to have the last of the children they raised stay with them.

The large family spent their days dragon riding, exploring the settlements on the island, and simply spending time together after the losses they had endured. Corlys had even started to teach the older children how to sail, wishing to share his love of the sea with the newest generation.

As time passed, the family settled into their new normal.

The children were thrilled, much more at home breathing in the salty air of the island so much like Dragonstone than they had ever been in the Red Keep. Rhaella felt peace when she was with Rhaenys and Laena's daughters, and while Daemon itched for the conflict that he was able to create in the Red Keep, he, too, enjoyed the easiness of Driftmark.

On Driftmark, they didn't have to be the Peaceful Princess and the Rogue Prince, and their children did not have to bear the weight of their heritage to appease those in court. No, on Driftmark, they could just be a family.

A year into their time on Driftmark, Rhaella and Daemon learned that they were expecting another child. The news was shocking, though it really shouldn't have been. Rhaella and Daemon had been glued to each other's side as they had been on Dragonstone during their honeymoon, earning themselves many teasing remarks from Rhaenys when they showed up late to break their fast with the children.

When, further into the pregnancy, they learned that Rhaella was likely carrying twins again, it felt like a cruel joke from the gods. The deaths of their sons were fresh on their minds, and they couldn't help but wonder if their unborn children would meet a similar fate. Twins were rare in the Targaryen line, and Rhaella would birth three sets of them if everything went well.

Rhaenys coddled Rhaella as though it was the princess's first child. The Lady of High Tide ensured that there were always lemon cakes brought to Rhaella and Daemon's chambers at midday and joined her often in the gardens of High Tide while the children were off completing their studies. Rhaenys was a constant presence at Rhaella's side, and both women were grateful for the opportunity to spend time together.

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