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The shrieks of dragons pierced the calm tranquility that had settled over the island of Driftmark. The moon was high in the sky, illuminating the world in its pale glow as constellations glittered in the darkness alongside it. The night had been peaceful, waves of the Narrow Sea rocking gently against the island's white shores. Then it wasn't.

The smallfolk of Spice Town and Hull awoke to the sounds of the dragons. They rose from their beds and walked to their windows to gaze up at the sky, desperate to see what the commotion was, fearful that dragons of the Blacks and the Greens had come to their island to wage war upon them all for the throne.

They watched as a lone, bronze-scaled dragon flew in the night sky towards the castle of High Tide, roaring with such fear and urgency that goosebumps rose up on the skin of all those who heard it. For a dragon to be by itself, calling out as it was in the dead of night...Something was wrong.

As the dragon roared again, a louder, deeper, more guttural roar answered. The smallfolk watched as Gaelith took to the sky from her nest on the other side of the island, her pitch-black scales blending into the darkness of the sky, her wing beats echoing for miles around. Quickly, the forms of Meleys, Aegarax, and Moondancer followed Gaelith into the sky. The four dragons flew to the bronze-scaled dragon, flying in circles above him, ensuring his safe landing on the white shores of Driftmark.

Within the castle of High Tide, Rhaella ran, her bare feet slapping against the stone floor of the castle's corridors, her breaths coming out in harsh, ragged pants as she urged her body forward. She could dimly hear the sounds of her Queensgaurd running after her, yelling for her to slow down, their voices filled with worry for their Queen who had burst forth from her chambers at Vermithor's sudden return to the island without a word of explanation for the guards sworn to protect her.

It felt like her body was filled with lead, fear and apprehension present in her every step as she raced through the courtyard and down the staircase leading to the beach. Her feet sunk into the soft sands of the island, though it did little to slow her down. The sounds of dragon shrieks and roars filled the night sky, the sound reverberating within Rhaella's very soul and urging her onwards. She could recognize Gaelith's call amid the roars, the ancient she-dragon expressing her worry, her sorry, her fear at the return of the Bronze Fury to their shores.

Rhaella sprinted across the beach of Driftmark, kicking up plumes of sand behind her as she raced towards the dragon nests among the sand dunes. She could see in the distance the forms of the dragons all huddled together, their scales glimmering shades of red, silver, and black underneath the glow of the moon and stars bearing witness to the return of the Bronze Fury from the Stormlands.

The Targaryen couldn't even pick out Vermithor's body among the dragons, the Bronze Fury hidden from view as the four others formed a protective circle around him in the sand. Gaelith, Aegarax, Moondancer, and Meleys encircled Vermithor, the four dragons nose to tail, their great forms forming a wall around the bronze-scaled dragon. Rhaella had never seen such behavior before, amazed and fearful of how the creatures of Old Valyria had come together to protect protect something sacred.

Rhaella could not make sense of what it meant, of what they were protecting, and she urged her body to go faster, her blood roaring in her ears, her heart thundering in her chest as her small frame strained to get to the dragons as fast as she could. She could see Gaelith's bright blue gaze trained on her approaching form, the invisible string connecting the Targaryen and dragon pulling Rhaella towards Gaelith.

The dragons shrieked and roared as Rhaella came closer, causing her ears to ring from the ferocity of their calls. Winds whipped against Rhaella's skin, sea salt and sand clinging to her body and nightgown. Rhaella hardly noticed the sensation as she slowly came to a stop just one hundred yards from the creatures she knew as well as her own flesh and blood.

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