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Seven months later, Rhaella rode atop Gaelith with Laena sat behind her on the saddle, Laenor soaring high above them on Seasmoke. Rhaella had only been on Driftmark for three days and yet the cousins had gone out riding 5 times. Rhaenys had even joined them the day before on Meleys, much to the delight of the children. In just those three days, Rhaella felt herself returning to her true nature after seven months of grief and misery.

Rhaella had slowly become a ghost of herself. Rings constantly circled her eyes, and she grew paler with each day. She spent more time in her chambers than in the gardens she was known to frequent, and everyone in the Red Keep was growing concerned. No one liked seeing the Peaceful Princess lose herself in such a way. It was clear she needed to get away, to get away from the memories of Aemma that still haunted the halls of the Red Keep.

In the end, Rhaenyra had urged her sister to go to Driftmark, and Viserys eventually agreed as well after conversing with Corlys after a Small Council meeting, framing it as a way to appease Lord Corlys after choosing Lady Alicent Hightower to be his second wife over Laena.

Rhaella had been hesitant to go. She knew how deeply betrayed Rhaenyra had felt at the news of their father's new betrothal to Alicent, and Rhaella did not want to leave her. With promises of sending letters nearly every day, her worries were eased and within the week, Rhaella had flown to Driftmark.

"I wish that I could do this everyday," Laena admitted to Rhaella, leaning back as Gaelith soared above the waters surrounding the Velaryon stronghold. "To fly is to be free."

"Soon you will have a dragon of your own," Rhaella told her. "Then you could go out on your own whenever you wanted. But, for now, I fear that you have to settle with riding with me. Seasmoke is too small yet for a second rider."

"You are always so sure that I will claim a dragon," Laena said to Rhaella, her bright silver curls floating around her head in the breeze. The sun shone down on them, beating into their skin. Rhaella was sure that she would be sunburned like never before after they returned from their flight.

"Because I know you will," Rhaella told her simply. Laena stared at the back of her head, unsure. Laenor let out a loud cheer as Seasmoke dove past the two girls, settling out just above the water so that its wings could skim across the water's surface.

"Idiot," Rhaella muttered in High Valyrian, causing Laena to laugh loudly. A loud roar rang out through the air, causing Gaelith to stiffen under them. The black dragon let out a low groan, and Seasmoke rose to fly beside the older dragon at her order.

"What was that?" Laena asked worriedly, peering around them as they continued to fly. Laenor looked over from Seasmoke at Rhaella and Laena in confusion.

A shadow suddenly fell upon them, the hairs on the back of their necks standing up at the sudden absence of sun. Rhaella slowly looked up to see a massive dragon soaring several leagues above them. Rhaella could see the large scars littering its underbelly, evidence of battles fought and won.

"Vhagar," Rhaella breathed. Gaelith let out a low grumble, sensing the ancient she-dragon flying above them. While Gaelith was the largest of the dragons ridden by House Targaryen, Vhagar was bigger, older, and more commanding. Just looking at Vhagar sent a shiver down Rhaella's spine.

The dragon once ridden by Visenya Targaryen let out a deafening roar. The cousins watched as Vhagar beat her wings, leaving Gaelith and Seasmoke behind with just two beats.

"She is magnificent," Laena whispered in awe, her violet eyes alight with wonder as she watched Vhagar disappear in the direction of Driftmark. Rhaella turned and studied the girl behind her, a knowing smile on her lips.

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