The Elite - Chapter Three.

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 (Picture of Bonny Wellington and Matt Zackery at the side >)

Enjoy! <3

    The Elite - 

    Chapter (3)

    It was obvious they didn’t want me here. Between the dirty looks from Rhiannon and Rebecca and the sneers from the Silver twins, I knew for a fact that they didn’t have any idea I was attending too.

    What was surprising was that Harry Loams and Matt Zackary actually talked to me. Well, ‘talked’ might have been a little exaggerated; since all Harry said to me was ‘want a piece?’ While pointing to his popcorn and the only thing Matt said to me was ‘I didn’t know you were coming here’. But it was an improvement on their earlier behaviour, which I was grateful for.

    “-And then I was like ‘stupid is a mean word’ and he laughed. He actually laughed at me! If he wants in my good books-“

   “Pants.” Rhiannon coughed, causing Bonny and I to laugh but Rebecca carried on, as if she hadn’t heard it.

    “-then he better start playing nice with me. I mean, what is his problem?” Rebecca turned to Rhiannon with a questionable face.

    “I have no idea.”

    With that, they carried on to another conversation which I wasn’t involved in.

    Bonny strolled along side Matt, hand in his while she watched the other people around her. Her eyes suddenly widened and she ripped her hand out of Matt’s before crossing over and standing next to me.

    “Don’t look to your right.” She whispered.

   And of course, when someone tells you not to do something, you just have to do it.

    Jude strode towards us, gaze locked with Bonny’s while he mumbled something into the air in front of him. The wind shifted around him, lifting up is plain grey T and giving us a glance of his polished chest.

    “Damn.” Bonny mumbled as he stopped in front of us. He didn’t spare anyone else but her a glance and continued to stare at her.

    “What, Jude?” She finally asked after a few moments of staring.

    Rebecca, Rhiannon and the Silver twins walked ahead, not realising this small confrontation. I contemplated catching up with them to get away from this tension cracked air but doubted that they would appreciate it. So, instead I stood still as Jude spook clearly and calmly to Bonny.

    “I thought I told you to stay away from him.”

    It wasn’t a question, it was a statement and the way his eyes flashed stormy grey again made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

    Bonny wasn’t affected though. Far from it. Instead of shying away from Jude and rubbing her arms to create friction from the now cold air like I was, she laughed. Straight in his face. Which only made the grey in his eyes swirl more.

    “And I thought I told you I would date whoever I want.”

    Before Jude could answer back, a tall red head came up from behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

    “Jude, I was looking for you.” She giggled in his ear, her grip on him tightening as she took in Bonny, Matt and I.

    “Who’s this?”

    Jude sighed, mostly in frustration as he pushed her arms away from him.

   “No one important.” Then stomped away.

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