The Elite - Chapter Fourteen.

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    Chapter (14)

    Things went back to normal when we got home – or as normal as things could possibly get when time was ticking down to the day when evil would destroy us all. The Elite had meetings ever day,six o’clock sharp and I taught them all I knew. After a week and a half, they where all sort of ready-ish. Rayson turned out to have mad abilities in casting, which would totally help when we went to war. And Bonny was getting better too – not only did she know what people where like, she could sometimes see auras.

    One dramatic thing changed though – Rachel attended Elite meetings. Everyone was nervous at first – they had never had someone watch them before – but after the indicial shock wore off, Rachel was right in there showing them which posture was the best when fighting. She really was my rock when Pippa decided to back-chat me.

    I hadn’t seen Jude for a while. He’d skip Elite meetings and Bonny would have to teach him the tricks of the trade later that night. Eventually, she got sick of going to bed so late at night and told him to go to meetings himself. Tonight was the night he was going to do that.

    “Are you ready?” Mama came into the kitchen where I was perched, my legs dangling off the stool and comic book in hand. I nodded and placed the tattered comic book down, picking up my backpack and slinging it over my shoulder.

    I hissed as the leather made contact with my shoulder and rubbed at it. It seemed as though all my muscles where knotted together in an incredibly painful ball.

    Mama tittered up behind me and started to massage my throbbing shoulders with her excellent hands. She had been a beauty therapist once upon a time, which made my shoulders very happy.

    “You should really take it easy at the meeting tonight, Sweetheart. We don’t want you to get hurt – or more hurt than you are just now.”

    My shoulders relaxed under her fingertips like butter in a hot pan and I sighed in bliss.

    “I can’t, Harry wants to try out his new karate moves on me again tonight and he’s better at it that you would think.”

    Mama let out a soft laugh at that and kneaded harder into the muscles. She brushed my pony tail away and before I knew what she was doing, her fingers brushed over the scar at the back of my neck.

    “Mama…” I said helplessly, pulling away from her and rubbing at my neck. It was no longer painful to touch but it did make my fingertips throb lightly when I did.

    “I’m sorry, Cassandra. I – I just wanted to see it again.”

    Nodding curly, I picked up the backpack and slid it carefully on my other shoulder. She brushed a blonde curl away from my face and gave me a motherly look.

    “Don’t worry about it, dear. Everything happens for a reason.”

    “Yes, but for better or for worst?”

    “One, two, three. One, two, three. Back step. Lift your leg higher, Matt. That’s it; one, two, block, kick. And again!”

    Harry enjoyed the attention of the girls but he only had eyes for Rayson. I could tell from her uneasy glances in his direction and nervous pulling at her sweater that she liked him too.

    Swapping my partner for Rayson, we got to work on our routine karate – even if it did seem a little like kickboxing to me.

    “So…Harry, huh?”

    She blushed red scarlet and let her guard down for a split second, which let me get a hard jab in on her right hip. I wanted to say sorry to her when she winced but Harry sent me a glare as he ran up to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

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