The Elite - Chapter Eight.

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Hello there! I already had this chapter written out and had to post it. It's her first day as The Elite leader! Be excited! 

I hope you enjoy! :D

    Chapter (8)

    Every since I hit twelve and started to take my pills, Grandfather started to teach me the tricks of the trade. Mind radiations, hand gestures that could send one flying and words – not of the English language – that could make you feel queasy. It was fun, learning all this stuff and knowing that no one else knew you knew.

    Yeah, fun. But right then - in front of the whole Elite – it didn’t seem fun anymore. People listened to what I was saying, sure, but some of them didn’t understand what I was talking about.

    The Elite members stood all around me in a semi-circle, waiting for instructions. I couldn’t help but sigh with helplessness when Pippa tumbled to the ground, laughing.

    “Oh gosh, that was priceless.” She gasped, picking herself up of the ground. My normally small anger flared and I glared at her, wishing she’d stop joking around and listen to what I was saying.

    “Pippa Monsoon! Listen to what Cassandra is saying.” Professor Harriet observed from the back. Pippa sighed and got into her standing position with both feet spread equally apart and hands limp at her sides.

    “I don’t even understand why we’re doing this exercise.” She muttered, her voice bored.

    “In due time, Pippa.” Professor Harris said. Pippa rolled her eyes and popped her gum out of her stained cherry-red lips.


   I ran a hand through my hair. It had only been half an hour into our session and people were starting to get bored. How was I meant to make pretending you were a tree fun?

    I tried my best to adapt the outcome into our everyday lives.

    “Have any of you ever wanted to belong?” No one answered. “To have some place where people would accept you as you are and not judge? Where you could love and trust without your heart being broken?”

    Some people exchanged quick glances, their faces softening.

    “Well, with us, we all belong. You might not think so but where you really belong is nature. I know when I’m surrounded by trees I feel at home, I feel safe. And that’s because the arts come from the ground, from nature. Do you all want to defeat the darkness?”

    A few heads bobbed.

    “Then we all need to connect to nature.” My eyes grazed the room of my students and landed on Bonny who was looking at me hopefully while sending gleeful glances over to the open window.

    A thought struck me.

    “In fact, the only true way to connect to nature is to be in nature.”

    The guys were all happy to be outside and started to wrestle each other in a manly fashion while some of the girls stood on the porch, their eyes scanning the mud splashed all over the grass.

    Jude smiled lazily from his position next to a tree when he saw me watching him and gave me a two fingered salute. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the girls, pointing at their shoes.

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