The Elite - Chapter Eleven.

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Hello! Next chapter coming up but first I would really like to take sometime to introduce you to a really inspiring author 'cookiemonester34'. Her book 'How to save a life' is both heart-wrenching and true - I cried reading this. Now, don't be put off by the lack of pages in her chapters because the writing truely makes it worth it. Quility, rather than quantity right? Anyways, it was a really amazing book and you should definetly read it if you get the chance.

Back to the book - it's the eleventh chapter! Big things happening? You'll have to read on to find out....

Enjoy! :D

    Chapter (11)

    “Come on, Cassy. It’sseven am and you need to get ready.” I rolled over in the springy bed and stretched my arms above my head, my fingers smashing off the headboard.


    I sat up, cradling my hand and looked at Rachel as she zipped up her hoodie and slipped on a purple puffy jacket. I shivered as my eyes flashed over to the window – which Rachel had opened – and I saw the snow falling freely from the sky like rivers of white lace.

    I was content just watching as the lace-like snow melted into the blanket of white covering the whole shrub area outside the window until the door opened.

    “I’m going to find Rhiannon for breakfast – I’ll meet you in the common room?”

    I turned and smiled faintly at her from my position on the bed. With a last wave, she disappeared out of the door and left me on my own.

    A sense of loneliness flowed through me. I had been trying to conceal it all through dinner the night before when Rachel was too engrossed in her conversation with Rhiannon to talk to me, but it finally came through as I sat alone in the faded wallpapered room, the closed door mocking me.

    I was losing Rachel, as much as I hated to admit it. For years she had been the air that I breathed and the water that I drank; she was everything to me. A best friend, an occasional mother and most of all, the girl that I thought would stay attached to my hip for the rest of our lives.

    Just months ago, we had talked about going to college together. A college where I could learn to become a trained snowboarding instructor, and where she could fulfil her dream of opening up her own little boutique called ‘Rachel’s’ – not very creative but it had been her dream since she could talk and walk.

    But now, it felt like we where slowly but surely drifting a part. We couldn’t go to college together because we had both gotten into totally different prestigious colleges, which both specialized in totally different courses. And then there was Rhiannon. Rhiannon was a great girl, smart and funny and pretty; everything Rachel was. I couldn’t help the jealous feeling grow in the pit of my stomach at the thought of Rachel leaving our Friday night slumber parties for Rhiannon’s Friday night club prowl.

    I snapped myself out of my pitiful thoughts and climbed out of bed, the cold morning wrapping around my ankles and snaking itself up into my torso. I shivered and closed the window.

    It turned out that I was the last one of the group to turn up for practice. Even in five layers of warm clothing, the cold snow still nipped at my sides and lifted the hair on the back of my neck. I pulled my hat down around my ears and smiled kindly at the twenty-something instructor who gave me a stern look.


    Dan – the instructor – turned around and steadied Taylor Mason who had fallen over trying to clip her snowboard in.

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