The Elite - Epilogue.

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Seriously, I couldnt wait. I literally couldnt wait to post this so here it is. Early, even though I was planning on waiting a little longer. 

So, nothing I can say apart from enjoy, as this is definetly the last chapter of The Elite.

Farewell, my beautiful book, forever in my heart. <3

Epilogue!! - Last chapter ever.



In more ways than one, she saved my life. By taking me away from Lily, she allowed me to be with my family and live out a fairly normal life. I never knew it, but she always looked over me, protected me. Never before had I respected someone as much as I respected Lora.

  “I’ll miss you.” I said. Placing the red rose down gently beside the willow tree, I kissed my hand and pressed it gently against the bark. The ruff wood crumbled under my fingertips and I looked down at it in silence.

  She was gone. No longer would I have someone looking out for me and steering me safe from evil.

  It had only been two weeks. Two weeks of rebuilding the community centre that had burned down when Lily came to visit. She had left behind a lot of destruction, along with a lot of questions from non-Elite members. Some had come when they heard sirens and saw me being carried out of the centre in the arms of my one and only saviour; Jude. They didn’t understand why I was sobbing but comforted me like one of their own. For the first time in my life, I felt accepted. Accepted into the arms of my fellow town citizens.

  But even though I had so many people around me, I never stopped feeling lonely. Being alone had never been so crowded. The guilt didn’t leave me though, either. The guilt of putting my entire friend’s lives in danger, the guilt of passing out when they needed me. I felt like such a disgrace to The Elite.

  “We need to go, baby.” Jude’s hand in mine kept me grounded and the feeling of his thumb stroking mine helped me blink back the tears. He kissed my forehead softly before pulling me along. With one last glance back at the tree, I thought of Lora and all the fun she must be having with her family.

  Jude drove peacefully for a change, sensing my mood. He drove through the scenic country roads, while I clutched his waist, my hair fluttering back in the wind. I felt free, yet bound by invisible chains. It was possible that I was in denial.

  “Are you okay, Cassy? You’re quiet.” Jude called over the rush of air.

  “I’m…” I wasn’t fine. I was depressed. I felt alone. I was upset. “Not okay.”

  Jude pulled over straight away, getting off and turning to me. I took my helmet off, revealing the cold tears trickling down my face and he lifted me off the bike and into his arms. Cold, I snuggled in, sobbing and sobbing until I could sob no more. Over the last two weeks that’s all I did in the privacy of my own bedroom; sob. My mother had caught on and asked me about it but I pushed her away, spending more and more time out by the willow tree. Today was one of the first days I’d been away from that tree.

  “Oh, Cassandra.” Jude sighed into my hair. I sniffled and wiped my face before he took it in his hands. His palms where warm, pressed against my wet cheeks while I stared at him. He was so beautiful. How could I be so lonely with him around?

  “What are you feeling?” He whispered, placing a kiss on the tip of my nose. I leaned into him, aching for his touch and the feel of his skin against mine. He really was beautiful.

  “Insanely guilty.” I answered honestly. More than lonely, I was feeling guilty. The harm that had been caused over me was overwhelming and it was my entire stupid fault.

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