The Elite - Chapter Four.

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It's been a long time, no see readers! I haven't been able to upload since all of the stuff that went on with Wattpad the last few days so here I am. And as always, I hope you very much enjoy it...Some questions are answered in this chapter :D

Enjoy. Comment, Vote and Liberatize <3

    Chapter (4)

    “No!” Alison Mark’s mother and father clenched onto each other as the doctor stood in front of them, an apologetic expression on his face.

    “How could this have happened?” Mrs Mark asked as her distort husband wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to her chest.

    “How could she have left us?” She shouted, her voice muffled in the cotton of her husbands sweater.

    Even though I hadn’t known Alison personally, I still found myself wiping at the tears streaming down my face. The scene in front of me was one I never thought I’d ever witness.

    People were strewn across the waiting room, most of which were crying. The only person who wasn’t was Jude who just stared out of the window at the storm brewing outside. He seemed to be speaking silent words into the clear air in front of him, his lips forming different shapes almost like a prayer.

    “Oh god, please no!” The door slammed behind Alison’s parents as her father dragged his wife out of the room.

    Inside, everyone was utterly quiet, waiting for another doctor to come in and tell them which one of their kids had passed away. My stomach rolled over as a small woman in a white coat came out, blinking the tears from her small almond shaped eyes.

    “Miss Harrison?” She called out, her voice braking slightly.

    A woman I instantly recognised as Mama’s editor stood up, her skinny legs shaking as she walked towards the doctor.

    “I’m Miss Harrison.” Her voice was eerily calm and if I hadn’t seen the tracks of tears streaking her face, I would have thought she was perfectly fine.

    The doctor’s voice broke again.

    “Come with me.” Her eyes flickered to the crowd of people watching the short interaction before she walked out, Miss Harrison following after her.

    I bit my nails as I sat on the impersonal plastic seat, Bonny sitting to my left and Rebecca and Rhiannon sitting to my right. I knew it wasn’t the right time, but I was glad that they weren’t glaring at me anymore.

    Rebecca and Rhiannon seemed to be out of tears. They sat, hand in hand as they stared at a painting on the wall. The painting seemed too bright for the room; the orange petals of a flower I didn’t know shining bright on all the depressed faces.

    No one dared speak as the door opened again, a bald man in his mid-forties walking in and sitting across from us.

    My foot cramped from being under the chair for too long and I stretched them out, knocking over a magazine stand. Slips of paper spilled out over the marble floor making everyone turn to stare at me.

    No one glared. No one blinked. They just turned away from me and went back to watching the door in frenzy.

    I quickly picked the scattered bundles of paper from the floor and slipped them carefully back into their slots. I felt someone’s gaze on the back of my neck and looked up to see Jude staring at me intently.

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