The Elite - Chapter Nine.

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Okay, this is a pretty short chapter, which I apologize totally for! It's just a sort of filler that sets you up for the next part. I own up that it isn't the best, but as I said, its just a filler. I hope you enjoy it anyways....

And we are introduced to Rachel!!!


    Chapter (9)

I sat at the kitchen table an hour later, my head resting on my hands. I had dismissed everyone after the thing happened with Jude and hadn’t answered any of their questions. Because what was I meant to say? That there was almost a hurricane in the town hall’s lawn because…because, what? I didn’t know what to say! I didn’t even know what to think.

    “I’ve never heard anything like it.” Mama mumbled from the other side of the table as she shovelled some caramel shortcake into her mouth. The spoon halfway to her mouth, she pushed the plate to me and handed me another spoon.

   I dug the spoon in and started to play about with the biscuit but stopped when Mama sent me a glare and slid the plate back. I watched her as she took another mouthful and chewed thoughtfully.

    “I wish Granddad was here – he’d know what to say.” I perched my head on my hands and watched Mama smile sadly through a mouthful of caramel.

    “I know, sweetheart. I miss him too but there’s nothing we can do but move on. I’m sure one of the Elders will know what it was that happened.”

    I sighed in doubt. Professor Harris was an Elder but even he had no clue how the almost-hurricane happened.

    The doorbell rang three times before the door opened and in walked my best friend. I almost didn’t notice her.

    “Rachel!” I stood up, the legs of the wooden chair scraping across the floor and flung myself into her arms. I hadn’t seen her in a full week! I had been so busy with The Elite and the car crash that I had totally forgot about her.

    After a few seconds of hugging, I pulled away from her and picked up a strand of her short chocolaty brown hair.

    “You cut your hair?”

    She pulled away from me and did a little spin, making her short hair fly before striking a pose.

    “It’s awesome, isn’t it? I was meant to get a trim but when the woman told me that I would suit a bob, I was like ‘what the heck’. I didn’t expect it to turn out this good!” She sat down in the chair I had been sitting in and looked at a shocked Mama.

    “What do you think, Ms P?”

    Mama shook her head with wide eyes before a grin spilled out across her face.

    “You look amazing!” She came across the table and gave Rachel a welcomed hug before settling back down on her chair.

    “You better watch out for all the college guys coming your way – you all a lot more mature now.” Rachel blushed and shrank back into the chair, a small smile forming on her face.

    “Actually, Laura, I’ve already got my eyes on a guy.”

    “Oh…” Mama trailed with interest. “Who is he? Is he nice? Does he treat you well?”

   “His name is Adam Stevenson and he is amazing…” She sighed dreamily as I pulled the chair next to her out and sat down. Of course, I already knew about her crush on captain of the basket ball team, Adam. In fact, I had known ever since three years ago when it had started.

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