The Elite - Chapter Fifteen.

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Well...Nothing much to say before this chapter apart from that its early! I know my previous chapters took a little while so I made sure to keep space in my busy life for writing. 

Comments, votes and likes are well appreciated!

Thanks to all my fans that have stuck with me this whole time, I adore you!

And, finally....


    The Elite - 

    Chapter (15)

    His cold lips on mine felt out of this world. Everything faded away and I forgot everything else. All there was was the here and now. Jude and I. My lips and his lips. In perfect harmony. In sync. Together.

    And I loved it.

    In the past, I hadn’t had any experience and I thought that when the day came that I had my real first kiss, I would be nervous. I had thought I would worry the whole way through it. Was I doing it right? Should I move my lips more? When do I pull away? I can’t breathe!

    But no, with Jude I thought nothing. Not even of his fingers curling in my hair. 

    All I knew was his lips against mine.

    Warm against cold.

    Hurt against happy.

    It seemed like we where opposites, like in some weird universe we where made for each other because we balanced each other out.

    But we where in this universe and in this universe Jude was pulling away from me.

    My eyes slid open and I looked at him in pure eternal bliss. I knew I would be living off of this moment for years to come – my first kiss.

    “Cassy…” He sighed and leaned his forehead back on mine, looking into my eyes. I felt penetrated in some way, like he could really see me.

    “I need to tell you someth – “

    A scream crashed through my skull and I tripped away from Jude, stumbling off the step. Landing on a heap in the ground, I looked up and covered my ears from that god awful screaming.

    Jude helped me to my feet before turning back to the source of the screaming.

   “What – “

    “Cassy! Where are you?!”

    As soon as my name was called, I was off running towards the building. As I opened the door, smoke plunged open and I was engulfed in smoky darkness. I didn’t know which way was up or down so I stumbled around, bumping my thigh into something I hoped was a table.

    Hissing, I gripped at my thigh and the sickly liquid leaking out of it.


   The call came from my left and I turned, bashing straight into someone. They steadied me with a gasp before pulling me towards them.

    “Rayson? Is that you? Are you okay?” Harry’s voice was in a state of panic and I pushed him away slightly, his hands getting too close to my face.

    “No, it’s Cassy.”

    He didn’t sound too embarrassed by the mistake and instead took my hand and shuffled us over to the right, just as an explosion of light fired above our heads.

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