The Elite - Chapter Seven.

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 Next chapter. Not really much I've got to say apart from the royal wedding was sooooo cute!! dontcha think? Anyways, comment, vote, liberatize, like, tweeet! You know the drill. Feedback! Tell me whatcha think!! :D

   Chapter (7)

    “….Private investigators, the chief of police and we even tried to get an Ekma out here to help us out.”

    Mama and I had torn ourselves away from each other and were now perched on the rug Mama had brought back from her trip inAfrica. It seemed as though I had no more tears left to cry but settled for dry heaves every one in a while.

    “None of them had any clue…But Arielle – the Ekma – had some cryptic things to say about your reappearance.” She continued on as I rearranged the blanket around my shoulders.

    “Ekma?” I asked.

    “Yes, and a very powerful one.”

    I shook my head with certainty. 

    “But, Ekma’s are myths.”

     She shook her head, a small smile tugging on the corner of her thin lips.

    “Apparently not. Your Grandfather supposedly knew someone who knew her and managed to pull some strings with them. Trust me, when she showed up at my door claiming to be a thousand year old myth I didn’t believe it too.”

    “What, you mean she –“ I dropped my voice to a whisper and suddenly felt like a gossiping teen. “ – done her magic in front of you?”

    Her head bobbed in response and I gasped.

    “But that’s – that’s unheard of!”

    “Again, apparently not. She asked me for something dear to you and my first thought was GPan –“ I almost smiled at the memory of my favourite teddy bear that Mama had brought back from her research inJapan. “ – But that didn’t work so I settled on your baby comb.”

    “What did she do?”

    “I don’t really know. She held onto it silently for about ten minutes before saying anything.”

    “And?” Somehow, talking about something so simple and easy made me feel a whole lot better about the situation I was in. But it only lasted a few seconds more then came crashing down on my head.

    “She said something about a Mother who couldn’t be a Mother. Then she started to be all cryptic and told me all this stuff about being careful around the dead and that you were cursed.”

    My mouth made an ungraceful ‘O’ shape and I gaped at her.

    “I know. Creepy. But I just brushed it off; she was clearly deluded.”

    I stopped to think for a minute.

    “That’s what I thought about you too before you showed me that scrapbook.” I mumbled. The memory of that ghostly infant with the unnatural eyes crossed my mind and I shuddered. I still couldn’t believe that was me.

    Mama seemed to be thinking too.

    I sighed and ran a hand through my hair but pulled away when I realised my hair was exactly the same as it was in the picture of the infant with the green eyes.

     “I just –“

    The doorbell rang and I jumped slightly before holding a hand over my heart. Mama sighed and pushed herself off of the rug. She gave me an apologetic look before heading out of the room.

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