The Elite - Chapter Thirteen.

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Oooofttt. It's been a long week, guys. I've been out of my head busy. Don't ask, I will never tell you *evil grin*.

Anyhow, I know it's been like six days and I normally upload every three but as I said, lifes been hectic.....where is all the hecticness coming from?!!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter - I tried to make it longer because of the long wait but I dont know how long it will actually be. Just have to wait and see. Enjoy!

Comment, vote and like!!! :D

    Chapter (13)

   My stiff body ached as I pulled myself into a sitting position and observed my surroundings for the first time. I was no longer in the dingy room of the cabin but instead out in the open, the soft plush feeling of spring grass under my hands. Water surrounded me – miles and miles of the stuff, stretching out as far as the eye could see and over the horizon. A bright, slightly pink sun rose over the water, lighting up the rolling ocean.

    The warm water lapped lightly at my bare feet and I forgot everything else – Jude, Mama and the reality that was waiting back home for me. Being in this unknown place was like floating on cloud nine.

    “Hello, daughter.”

    The voice wasn’t threatening at all, but it did have a certain affinity to it. I felt like I should be curtsying to this unknown voice. I stood up slowly, suddenly afraid and turned around to see a distorted woman.

    Her face was disfigured; scars matting just below her red hairline, down her neck and surrounding her golden brown eyes. I could tell that before the tragic thing that had happened to her, she had been incredibly beautiful.

    “Where as I am glad that you are here, I am not so glad with the circumstances.” She continued, taking a last step towards me in a white toga dress. She stood four feet away from me, a disappointed smile curling on her disjointed lips.

    “Darkness will always have the upper hand on good, Cassandra. All we can do to stop them getting an even greater hand on us is by not letting it in. And that’s what you have done today, Cassandra. You have let the darkness poison your heart.” She shook her head, perfect red curls shifting in the light ocean breeze.

    “I – “

    “There is no excuse for such crime, daughter.” I cringed under her tone and backed away until I was ankle deep in water.

    “Having said that – “Her voice took on a lighter tone and she gave me an apologetic smile. “You are my daughter, and you will learn from your mistakes as well as others.”

    I was beyond confused. I had no idea who this woman was and what scared me the most was that I wasn’t afraid of her, even if she did have the qualities to do so.

    “So, as of now, I will take the darkness away from your mind, but I cannot guarantee that I can do so to your heart. Darkness in the heart is…cruel. It makes you doubt people and the things around you, it makes you paranoid and cautious – though that could be a good thing. Yes, yes, that could be very well a good thing.”

    I frowned as she pondered this crazy thing. I had no idea what she was saying or why she was suddenly calling me her ‘daughter’.

    “Yes – come here, Daughter.” She took a step closer to me and into the warm water, the bottom of her dress not even getting wet. I gaped at her and tried not to flinch as her cold; flesh hand came in contact to my forehead.

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