The Elite - Chapter One.

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My first chapter! I'm really excited about this book becuse its so different to what I normally write. I hope you all like it and tell me what you think because I want to know what you all genuinly like and dislike about it.

&this chapter is pretty long (should be, I've been writing it for three or so days) So, if you finish it I congratulate you!


The Elite. 

Chapter 1.

   “Wait up, Cassandra!” I swivelled around on the sidewalk and flinched under the glare of the bright sun above. Shielding my eyes, I noticed Bonny Wellington jogging up to me. She wore her favourite dress – an original Florence Kirk – and had her long auburn hair tied back in a simple black ribbon.

     It was girls like Bonny that put me to shame. Her sparkling blue eyes seemed to shine with all the enthusiasm in the world, nothing like my dull chocolaty brown ones. My shoulder length hair that couldn’t decide whether it wanted to be brown or blonde had nothing on her long auburn hair that looked so glossy, I was almost tempted to run my fingers through it.

     She walked along side me in silence until we came to the picket fence that encased my home. Just as I was about to step inside, she spoke.

     “I’ll see you tonight?”

     Her question struck me as odd. This girl was one of the most favoured girls in Lullin and she was asking me if I was attending tonight? Sure, Bonny had been nicest in the Elite; sending me small smiles whenever I passed and passing greetings once in a while, but she had never stopped to have a proper conversation with me.

    “Yes.” I nodded and a smile spread across her face.

    “Good, I was afraid you wouldn’t come tonight after what happened to your-“Her eyes lowered and she bowed her head gracefully in respect.

     “Grandfather.” I whispered, my eyes watering. Bonny nodded and the silence was interrupted as a loud car drove by full of teenagers on their way to the nearest party.

     “I better get going or else Mama will start to worry.” I wiped at the tears lingering in my eyes and nodded. As she was about to leave for her house across the street, she turned to me and said lightly,

     “I’m glad you’re coming tonight; most of the girls are excited about it but I’m nervous. It’s just – “ She paused and glanced at her home once before turning back to me. “We’ve been told ever since we were children that this was going to happen but I thought we’d have more time to process it. Now its time and I don’t think I’m ready.”

    I stayed silent in understanding while she seemed to visit old memories. After a full minute, she blinked and smiled.

    “I’ll see you tonight.” With that she disappeared in a blur of red silk and black ribbons.


    “Mama?” I called out once I had changed from my day clothes into my ceremony clothing. The two hundred year old floorboards creaked under my weight as I stepped on each one.

    “In the kitchen!” Mama called just as I had reached the bottom step. I dodged through the stacks of books littering the hallway and entered the kitchen where Mama was singing along to the radio.

    The sun streamed in through the open window, illuminating the shiny white tiles and light yellow walls. Mama stopped washing a mug and turned to me.

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