The Elite - Chapter Six.

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     Chapter (6)

   The next morning and Mama had retreated into her study. To tell you the truth, I was more than a little worried for her; she seemed to be having a tough time with the news of the car crash. Made me wish I had broken the news softer to her.

    The phone started to ring. I answered it on the fifth ring.


    I pulled it away from my ear and settled down on the couch. Why did Bonny have to call early in the morning?


    “I still can’t believe it! You’re going to be leader of The Elite. I mean, think about all the stuff this will do for your rep-“


    “I know people don’t like you now but believe me, they will and then they’ll be glad your leader. I mean, you’re the new leader of The Elite!” she screeched on the other side of the line, making me jump slightly.

     I was starting to get angry. Did she think this was fun? I didn’t want to be leader of The Elite and here she was, rubbing it in my face like it was a good thing. Couldn’t she leave me alone for two minutes?

    She continued on talking.

    “Just think of all the things you could teach us! Wow, I am so excited for you-“

    “Shouldn’t you be grieving?” I said quietly and she went silent.

    “What?” Her voice was quiet, hushed.

    “I mean, didn’t your cousin just die?” As soon as the words where out of my mouth, the anger faded and I wished I could take them back.

    “Alison.” She breathed, her voice lased with guilt.

    “Wait – Bonny I –“

    “I have to go…” She trailed quietly before the line went dead. I was tempted to throw the phone at the wall in anger but settled for slamming it down on the sofa.

    That was wrong of me.

    My head span.

    This wasn’t me. I was never mean to anybody, never mind the people who tried to help me, for goodness sake! How could I do that to poor, sweet little Bonny? The exact same Bonny who had taken time out of her own life to help me make friends with more people?

    Exactly, I couldn’t.

    I had to apologise.

    I poked my head into Mama’s office and watched her tap the end of her pen off the mahogany desk for a second. She seemed frustrated. She was never frustrated when she wrote – even when she got writers block.

    “I’m going out.” I said lightly and her head sprung up. She clutched at the blouse above her heart and gave me a cold stare.

    “Don’t sneak up on me, Cassandra!” She closed her eyes lightly, her whole face the look of tiredness.

    “Are you okay, Mama?” I asked, taking a first step into her office. Like the rest of our home, books lay stacked up in corners while sheets of paper lay strewn all over her desk.

    Her hair – like the night before – looked like she had ran her hands through it many times and her usually bright, enthusiastic blue eyes looked especially dull in the dark room.

     “I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” She opened her eyes and started to scan the writing on sheet of paper on her desk without looking back up at me.

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