The Elite - Chapter Eighteen.

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I have to say that this is probably my favourite chapter of the whole book! All those questions you previously asked yourself? Well they will all get answered in this chapter! And... something else will be discovered. It's a pretty hectic chapter.

I hope you love it as much as I do! :D


    Chapter (18)

   The air was moist, damp and my senses flared at the smell of home made cookies. Was that chocolate chip I smelt? It smelt so heavenly that I sat for a second, just inhaling. I had never smelt something so amazing before in my life.

   When the smell of cookies started to make me feel queasy, my eyes fluttered open, easily adjusting to the dim light casting off the lamp beside me. Shadows flickered off walls while I studied them for a moment, lost in my own thoughts. It was peaceful in the room, the fire blazing and crackling in the corner while a figure pushed back and forth in an old rocking chair.

   Silvery blonde hair fell over the arched back of the chair, reflecting off the flickering red that the tamed fire caused. I stared at the hair for a few minutes, images of moonlight kite-flying waving through my head. The kite flew up in the air, getting lost in the night while the woman below clutched tightly onto my hand.

   “I hope chocolate chip cookies are still your favourite – I made them especially for you.” The rocking chair stopped its comforting motion and came to a stand still.

   That warm, buttery voice caught me as familiar. It was like hearing someone you hadn’t seen or heard for years and instantly knowing that this person was special to you.

   Too busy running her voice over and over in my head, I didn’t see her turn and stand. She looked familiar too, the gooey brown of her golden eyes staring back at me with a welcome look. Her wrinkling skin was tender as she brushed a few tears away from under her black rimmed reading glasses.

   “Cassandra…” She sighed and paced two steps towards me.

   “You’re so beautiful. I knew you would turn out to be, but I never knew you would be this…gracious.” A pang in my chest snapped when she wiped another tear away from her eye and swiped off her glasses, placing them down on an old coffee table beside her.

   “You have your Mama’s eyes, I see.”

   I blinked, snapping out of my awe and becoming confused. I did not have my mother’s eyes. Her eyes where blue, a fading blue that came with age but never the less, they had always been some shade of blue. But mines where chocolate brown with occasional swirls of grass green. Nothing like my mothers.

   Sensing my confusion, the woman shook her head.

   “Sorry, my mistake.”

   “I – “

   “No darling, don’t speak. I’ll fetch you a glass of water. You’ve been sleeping for almost twelve hours, you must be parched.” With that the woman gracefully slid out of the room.


   My voice was hoarse as she had predicted and I stood, my legs buckling underneath me and I landed back of the comfortable sofa where I had began, a home-made comforter wrapped around me like seaweed.

   Unravelling myself, I pushed my hair out of my face with a grimace.

   Where was I?

   Under normal circumstances, I would have been petrified to wake up in a stranger’s home but with this lady, I couldn’t make myself feel the least bit afraid.

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