The Elite - Chapter Seventeen.

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 Hello all! 

Okay, a few things I need to adress before this chapter starts. First of all, I am so sorry for not uploading in like two weeks! It is entirely my fault as I was naughty and got my laptop taken off me :( I have to say I was completely depressed for this past week and it killed me not being able to write - safe to say I wont be naughty for a very long time now.

Anyway, this chapter was partly rushed because I felt so bad for not uploading and I knew I needed to upload soon.

And, who's loving the new wattpad?! I really like it, it's cool.

Second of all, this chapter is really just preparing us for the battle - yes there will be a battle, look forward to it! Excited! Excited! - and may not be too long. Jude will be back soon - do we all believe he said those things to Bonny or is she just a viscious lier? - so you can look forward to that.

Third of all, this book will end soon...I think. I'll miss writing it but I have like three other books on the go.

Those three books being - 'The Girl with the Apple Tattoo'

                                                  'The House of Faerie.'

                                     And -   'Whispers of a dead girl.'

I hope when I bring those out, you read them and tell me what you think. But they wont be posted until this book is finished.

And last but not least, I dedicated this chapter to a very special someone. She is a very talented writer and has a lot of reads and stuff but her book 'Faefully Yours' (A Faerie's Awakening) - and it is seriously amazing. I am totally and completely addicted to it. so if you have the time and are up for an amazing read, check her out.

Lastly, Lastly, I would like to thank all my silent readers. I know some of you dont comment or vote but i am still eternally grateful that you read my book - its just so amazing I have fans in the first place.

Thank you all my silent readers!

And enjoy!

    Chapter (17)

    It was three in the morning before everyone started to calm down. We had all lost our enthusiasm and where now perched on Rhiannon’s large bed, sleep threatening to take over.

    “So; men. I want the gossip.”

We all turned to Rhiannon who had two or three plush cushions positioned between her small frame and the head board. Her face was serious as she turned fully to Rayson who had curled up on her side, her eyes glazing over.


    She opened her eyes groggily and listened to Rhiannon but made no sign to sit up.

    “You and Harry? I’ve got him in my Biology call – or well, had – he’s a pretty funny guy. Nice looking too. Are you two an item yet? Only, I’ve heard rumours that you both have been out on a few dates.”

    Rayson shrugged awkwardly in her position, a small blush covering her cheeks and answered faintly.

    “I don’t really know what’s going on with us.”

Rhiannon blinked twice before moving on to question the next girl, seemingly bored with Rayson’s answer. But Rayson seemed extremely relieved and heaved back down onto the bed, closing her eyes.

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