The Elite - Chapter Sixteen.

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Nothing much to say...but then again, when is there ever? Haha, I'm sorry (again) for the long wait. Life has just suddenly gotten even more busier than it already was and I have hardly any time to write. But, as always, I wouldnt let you guys down.

Thank you so much for reading and following me this long. It's much appreciated.

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    Chapter (16)

    “Cassandra! Come on, your missing it!”

    Placing my tooth brush on the sink and watching as the water drained away down the sink, I looked up into the eyes of a different girl.

    She stood strong, her back no longer slumped and her hair not covering her expressions. She was poised for battle, her hair tucked safely behind her ear and lips curled up in a smile.

    For once in my life, I was happy and ready for what came next – even if it was eternal doom and death.

    “Cassy!” Rachel called from the next room, her voice almost lost in the noise of the other girls. Not bothering with an answer, I slipped out of the unfamiliar bathroom in my fluffy socks and pyjama’s.

    Rhiannon’s room was just next to the bathroom, her door encasing a poster of her favourite actor and a frilly sign that had ‘Rhiannon’s Room’ engraved in silver writing. 

    I pushed it open gingerly, the lights flickering on and a room full of teenage girls jumping out at me, blowing horns and shouting ‘Happy Birthday!’.

    Of course, I had known this was going to happen when Rhiannon had invited me to a huge slumber party the day before my birthday. And I had gone along with it all because it was inevitable.

    Acting shocked, I placed a hand over my heart and wore a shaky expression to match my shaking legs. Girls crowded around me, all wearing mud masks and their favourite night gowns. The sight was incredibly funny, and got even more so when Rachel jumped out from an approaching Bonny and handed me a small wrapped box with my name written on it in informal writing.

    “Happy birthday, Cassy.” Rachel hugged me close while people watched eagerly, waiting for me to open my gift.

    When Rachel pulled away, I stared down at the gift with curiosity. We never got each other birthday presents, instead spending the entire day with each other and a huge box of popcorn.

    “I know we never get each other anything but I thought this suited the occasion and I just had to give you it.”

    Hesitantly, I undid the tiny ribbon and slipped the emerald green box out with a gasp. I remembered this box, even the tiny inscription on the side.

   ‘To Rachel,

Don’t let your fears overcome you.

Love Cassy.

    “But – “

    “But nothing. You gave me this when we where ten and on our way to theLake District for a school trip. I was afraid to swim but just having this tiny ring on my finger made it all better. I want you to have it, Cassandra. Your time is now, and you need it more than I do.”

    Rachel took the slim box out of my hand and opened it up, showing everyone the mossy green stone on top of the silver ring.

    “I had it resized to match the size of your finger. It should fit perfectly.” Carefully, she took it out of the box and slipped it on my middle finger. It did fit perfectly.

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