The Elite - Chapter Five.

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Hello! Thanks to all the new readers who have been leaving wonderful comments. I'm not too sure how long this chapter will be but I'm pretty sure it will be alittle long.

Enjoy :D

 Chapter (5)

    It wasn’t until half an hour later that I realised how immature that was of me. I had given him a hint into my full potential, which could only result in one thing – him using it against me. Sure, he had no idea what I had in mind but just him knowing that I already knew some stuff and didn’t need The Elite was enough to cause damage.

    “Look.” Bonny suddenly nudged me and my eyes sprang open. I followed her pointed finger and watched as Professor Harris addressed the distressed room.

    “Kids? Could you please come with me?” He looked around the room, nodding his head to all The Elite kids before heading out. Bonny frowned at me before standing up and following with the rest of them.

    I did the same and followed, Rebecca and Rhiannon behind me. Matt whispered something in Bonny’s ear in front of me and she sighed before linking her fingers through his.

    We entered through a different set of doors, leading us past the slightly busy A&E reception.


    Professor Harris ushered us into a private room with two beds in the centre, both of them empty. He then proceeded to stand at the end of the end bed and look straight at us.

    I stood next some girls in The Elite that didn’t bother to cringe away from me and breathed a sigh of relief when Bonny came to my other side and pressed her arm against mine for reassurance.

    “What happened today was tragic. And I can’t help but think it could have been prevented.” Professor Harris bent his head and let his long red hair cover his eyes.

    “This is my entire fault. And for that, I am extremely sorry.” He looked up and some girls gasped as we watched tears fall freely down his face.

    “I’ve talked to Chief of police and he thinks – knows – that this wasn’t an accident. It’s happening. This is just the beginning.”


   “No, let me speak.” He carried on over people’s protests.

    “The barrier to the river had been bent before the car struck it. That barrier was especially ordered to prevent this from happening – it had been charmed! No one but one of us could do that.”

    “So, what are you saying? That one of us did this?” Someone asked.

    Professor shook his head, a serious look on his sharp face.

    “Someone like us. It’s starting and we weren’t ready for it. Those kids should have known what to do.” He ducked his head, looking ashamed and extremely angry at himself. “And for that I will be eternally sorry to everyone in this town.”

    “But it wasn’t your fault.” Bonny whispered from beside me, her hand clutching onto Matt’s.

     “It was. Last year, Edward wanted to start training you-“ I flinched at the mention of my late grandfather and Professor Harris sent me an apologetic look. “- But I refused. I thought you all were too young to cope with all the darkness, and I was wrong. If we had started teaching you last year, none of this would have happened. And maybe – just maybe – Edward Peterson wouldn’t have died.”

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