The Elite - Chapter Nineteen.

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   Chapter (19)

   “Is Jude here?”

   Mary Wellington seemed surprised to see me standing at her door in my pyjamas at four in the afternoon.

   “Yes, he’s in his room. Are you okay, hun? Everyone’s been worried sick about you since you left the slumber party last night.”

   I shook my head, desperate to get past her and to Jude. My confidence would leave soon enough and I would start being a nervous wreck.

   “I just need to see Jude. Can I come in?” Mary blinked before moving away and letting me in. I all but sprinted past her and up the stairs where I by passed Bonny’s room and barged into Jude’s, the door slamming with a destining slam behind me.

   Jude looked up from the book he had positioned on his desk and smiled warily.

   “This isn’t the bit where you kill me, is it?”

   “I – what?” That definitely wasn’t what I was expecting. Not that I was expecting him to run into my arms or anything. Gosh, definitely not expecting that.

   “You just seen pretty ticked off, is all.” He explained, sitting up right and dumping the book on his bed.

   “I’m not ticked off. I – uh – I just need to speak to you.”

   “In your pyjamas?” He laughed, surveying my outfit.

   I could have at least gone home and changed.

   “Will you knock that off?” I groaned and turned, looking for some sort of lock on the door. When I finally found it, I pushed it into place, keeping the rest of the world out and us in private.

   Nothing could ruin this moment.

   Not Jude.

   Not Mary.

   Not Bonny –

   “Jude, what’s going on?” Bonny called suspiciously from the other side of the door, three small knocks following.

    Jude looked at me, his hair ruffled at the front before casting his eyes to the door.

   “Nothing, Bonny! Just go back to what you where doing.”

   The other side of the door was silent before she answered.


   That left us on our own as Bonny stomped away and Jude looked at me with curious eyes and a hint of worry.

   “What’s this all about, Cassy? Where did you go last night? Everyone’s been looking for you! You can’t just run away like that; not at a time like this. Do you know how dangerous that is? You could have been – “

   “I like you.”

   I couldn’t take it.

   The words that I had planned on my way over spilled over my mouth without consent and I swiped a hand across my sweaty forehead. What had I done? What if he freaked out? Who was I kidding; I couldn’t make him like me. I was just Cassandra Peterson – exactly. Realisation hit me.

   My excuse over the years for being a coward had always been ‘I’m just Cassandra Peterson – no one cares enough to get to know her’ but now? Now I had two guardian angels – one of which had kidnapped me. So, people did want me, in a sense. I wasn’t a nothing. I could do this.

   “What?” He asked.

   Jude sat dumbstruck on his black swingy chair, his eyes looking up at me. That same piece of hair had fell over one eye and he blinked it away, his long lashes swishing it into place.

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