The Elite - Chapter Ten.

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We are on double D's!! Chapter Ten! Chapter Ten! Chapter Ten! Aren't you excited? I think you should all vote and like since this is my first double D! There sure will be plenty of more to come!

Anyways, since the last one was short - extremely so - sorry! I made this one longer - or I hope it's longer. A lot of pages on word...I'll stop ranting.

Anyways, vote, like, tweet....Comment! Liberatize!

    Chapter (10)

    It took some convincing, but after explaining to Professor Harris that a trip up in the mountains would be a chance for The Elite to ‘find themselves in nature’ he agreed with one condition – that he paid. Now, Professor Harris was a wealthy man. Extremely wealthy in fact – though you wouldn’t notice from the clothes and cape he wore everyday. His Mother, an immensely famous actress in the 80’s had left him her fortune three years before – which made a grand total of sixty-four million dollars. Harris, just back from a year in the military, gave half of it to charity and kept the rest to pass down through his family – even though he had none that I knew of.

    I found this somewhat sweet.

    “Do I have to?” Rachel asked as she played with the bottom of her sweater. We where currently stood on Bonny’s doorstep, waiting to be invited in.

    “We’re going on a snowboarding trip with her tomorrow, of course you do.” I whispered back. Bonny appeared at the door, a grin on her face and a snow suite on.

    “Um…Bonny, we’re not leaving until tomorrow.”

    She grinned, ushering us in and giving Rachel a warm smile.

    The living room was finally finished, after a full week of helping Mary and her husband out. Throughout the past week, many things had been done – Mama had finally started on the Epilogue to her new book, The Elite were doing great in training and Jude had cut his hair short.

    Jude and I hadn’t talked after ‘The Event’ and I had a sneaking suspicion that he was avoiding me, since every time I came to Bonny’s for dinner he would magically have some errands to run.

    “I know, I know, but I’m just so excited! I’ve never been skiing befo-“

    “Snowboarding.” Rachel interrupted, her expression grim as she sat down on the brown fabric sofa.

    Bonny didn’t seem to mind and carried on while zipping the snowsuit down and stepping out of it.

    “And Liam paying for it? Amazing. I was so shocked. I think we should throw him a thank you party when we get back – don’t you think?”

    I nodded and Rachel stared blankly at the wall.

    Nudging her slightly, her head shot up and she send me a harsh look. The sort of look she reserved for people she didn’t exactly like at that moment.

    “Actually, we came here to ask you something,” Rachel started, looking anywhere but Bonny’s hopeful face.

    When Rachel didn’t continue, Bonny put a calming hand on Rachel’s shoulder which seemed to have the opposite effect since she shook it off roughly.


    I nudged her inconspicuously.

    “And I – Cassy and I would lik – love it if you would drive in our car up the mountains.” Rachel pushed my elbow away and looked away before Bonny could answer.

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